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Karen's very first interview didn't go well, or so she thought. She continued being offered opportunities and she never understood why. She was not even talented. She had the brains and the looks, but not the gifts. The best she could do was sketch and that had been her hobby as a teenager. She wasn't good at sports either. She had never been. P.E. had been one of her most loathed subjects at school. Ironic, because now she couldn't live without her yoga and morning jogs.

Back at home, Robert had prepared a special surprise for his love. Lately, Karen had been feeling very upset. All of the events from the past days had been too much for everyone, they had piled up on her. So why not a little bit of satisfaction?

4:45. Karen would be almost home from work. That was the perfect time for his surprise. No one had to breathe her a word. It would ruin it all.

The whole back garden had been decorated with balloons and various decorations. Karen's favorite cake had been placed on a table, underneath a lid. Everything had been ready and set to go. They were only waiting for Karen to come home.

When she came and no one answered her, when she called, her suspitions were raised. Wasn't Robert at home? Where was her family?

Walking around the main hallway, she found a note on the end table in the middle. Come outside, had been written in perfect cursive. She raised an eyebrow. What had happened? She didn't have a birthday. It had been days ago. Unless . . .

"SURPRISE!" , everybody screamed, when our heroine walked outside, in the back garden. Her eyes widened from shock, her hands finding their place on her mouth. Everybody were there - all her friends, her family, even some of her teachers. They had all made this for her? What had been their intention?

Robert, her love, stepped in front. He had been dressed very smartly - in a suit, with a tie. She couldn't help but smile wide, at the same time feeling embarrassed for not being dressed up in fancier clothes.

"You look perfect," his husky voice brushed against her ear. He had seen her blush. It was like her had read her thoughts. No matter what she wore, how her hair was done and the amount of makeup she wore (if she wore any), for him, Karen was perfection.

He got down on one knee and opened the velvet box he had to hide in his pocket. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" , cried our heroine from joy, without any hesitation. Why would she doubt herself? She loved him. No. She adored him.

And they shared a passionate kiss under the stars, under the sounds of applausing and cheering, everybody already hearing the wedding bells.

On the next day, they had to go and pick up her new documents. People recognized her, but kept silent, not wanting to disturb them. They weren't oblivious to the engagement ring on Karen's hand.

"Here you go, Ma'am," said the lady at the counter, handling our heroine her brand new documents.

Karen couldn't believe what had happened in the matter of a few days. From the moment she saw her face on a milk carton, to getting her new documents. If anyone had told her any of this would happen, she would laugh and brush it off, not believing any of that crap.

But now . . . now was different. And better.

The moment our heroine walked out, with her freshly new documents in her hand, her fiancé's arm linked with hers, was when she realized it. She was no more Karen Johnson. She was Kristen Stewart. And this was her new beginning.


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