Denny Ryun

520 9 7

Told from Josh's perspective

I scanned the room for Tyler. He had gone off to use the bathroom 10 minutes ago and he should have been back by now. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the bathroom. I passed by a group of girls with their hair down and in high heels. They smiled and waved to me and I waved back, to be nice. I hadn't been paying attention to my other surroundings while waving at the girls, and it turned out I had ran into someone.

I looked up at the person, and saw Tyler. He smiled at me. "Hey buddy, look who I found!" Tyler exclaimed, putting his hand on my back. I smiled and relaxed, glad that I hadn't ran into someone I hadn't known, I shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if I hadn't ran into Tyler. "I was just coming to find you!" Tyler said, seeming at ease.

"I was wondering where you were." I told him. Tyler stopped and then he turned to face me. I looked into his brown eyes and I could see that his smile reached into his them. "I was on my way back when I found the PERFECT girl for you!" Tyler said, shaking from excitement. I laughed, having calmed down from my earlier fears.

"Tyler, you need to stop trying to set me up with girls!" I said. Tyler started laughing, his voice making the air seem 100x's lighter. "This is the last time I promise." Tyler said with a mischievous grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Alright, alright. Where is she?"

Tyler beamed again. I felt my heart start to beat a little faster as he started to drag me towards the girl again. He was on a mission, and that mission included finding someone for me to spend my life with. "We're almost there." Tyler said, turning his head to face me. I gave him a half-hearted smile and he beamed at me.

When we got to the girl, she had her back facing us. Her red hair laid on her back and seemed familiar. "Hey Denny!" Tyler called, placing his hand on the girl's shoulder. Denny? That name sounded familiar. Almost too familiar. I took a deep breath as the girl turned around. I had a smile on my face, before I scanned hers. "She looks a bit like Debby and her name sounds like Debby's too." I whispered to Tyler.

Tyler frowned for a moment, and he looked as if he was in a deep thought. Denny started laughing at Tyler. Her laugh was beautiful and pure, like nothing I had ever heard before. I looked at her face, examined it, closely. After a second of more thought, Tyler broke free of his thinking. "Josh this is Denny, and Denny, this is my best friend Josh, the one and only. He's my best friend." Tyler said. "Get your own fren." He mumbled, looking at the floor. Denny laughed, probably having seen some of the clique's jokes about it before.

"Nice to meet you Josh." Denny said, extending her hand. I extended my hand towards hers. As we shook hands I realized that she was more beautiful than Debby had been. "So what do you do for a living?" I asked, looking at the pink dress Denny was wearing. "I write music and teach the drums." She said. I nodded. She liked the drums. That was a point to her. I looked to my right, where Tyler had been, and saw that he was no longer there.

"I would ask what you do, but I already know. You are the best drummer in the world." Denny said. I turned to look at her, forgetting Tyler was gone. She was smiling and she looked stunning. "Have you ever heard me drum?" I asked, wondering if she was just going off of what Tyler had told her. She nodded her head. "Yes, of course. I listen to all of your guys' songs!" She laughed, and again I could feel myself enjoying her laugh.

"Denny, I know I just met you, but, would you like to go out with me?" I asked. Denny raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Only if I get to hear you play the drums at the end of the night!" She replied.


I stared at myself in the mirror. "TYLER!" Jenna yelled into the room. I looked over at Tyler who shrugged and then slowly walked out of the room. Just when I needed my best fren the most, his wife also needed him. I adjusted my tie and looked at myself again. I wasn't ready. Not for this date.

After learning more about Denny, I had learned that she might just, actually, be the perfect person for me. Well, aside from the fact she reminded me a little bit of Debby, but I could over look that. She knew how to play the drums and she was very caring. We had spent most of the night talking about aliens. And when it was time to leave, I didn't want to, but Tyler was tired and Jenna wanted us home by a reasonable time. I loved how much she cared about my friend, I did.

Tyler came rushing back into the room, holding a block of cheese. I looked at him and he shrugged. "I made a mess and didn't clean it up." I laughed. "What about the cheese?" I asked, walking over to him. He held it out to me. I took it and just looked at it, waiting for him to explain. "It's for your date. Girls love cheese right?" He looked at me and smiled. I started laughing and took a bite out of the block of cheese.

"Go get her! And fix your tie." Tyler whispered. He started messing with my tie, until it was right. I thanked him and headed out.


Denny smiled at me as I started talking about Tyler again. "And he gave me a block of cheese." I said. She laughed at me and picked at her dinner. "Do you ever wish that Jenna wasn't married to him?" She asked. I shook my head. I couldn't imagine Tyler without Jenna anymore. They were perfect together and would always be. "They are perfect together. I don't understand why so many of our fans don't like her." I complained.

Denny nodded and started chewing on a breadstick. "These are soo good!" She exclaimed, passing me one. I took it from her and took a bite. It was good. "We should have gotten pizza instead of going out to a fancy place." Denny said, reading my mind. This girl was amazing. "Pizza sounds so much better than salads." I agreed, laughing.

"Hey you wanna come to my place and watch a movie?" She asked. I took a moment to think about it. So far everything had been going good, but I still owed her a song on the drums. "Only if you have drums." I said. Denny laughed and nodded. "I totally forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me Josh!" I smiled when she said my name. Her voice when she laughed still affected me, even though I had heard it about 100 times the night before.

When we got to her house she opened the door and lead my to a beautiful, shining drum kit. Every single piece was assembled. "Do you do your lessons at your house?" I asked. Denny turned to look at me. "Very few. It would be dangerous to do ones with people I don't know here. I do most of them at a building a little ways away. If you want we can go there on our next date." Denny said. I could feel her eyes watching me as I examined her drum kit.

"It beautiful isn't it?" She asked, appearing next to me. I stood up and put my hands on my hips. "It's sick as frick." I whispered. Denny giggled. "I've never heard someone say 'sick as frick' before." I smiled. "You would think Tyler would have said it a 100 times when he was talking to you about me." I said. Denny shook her head. "Nope, he didn't say it once."

I raised my eyebrows. "Hey Josh?" I looked over to see Denny was now at the counter and was opening a container of ice cream. "What?" I asked, walking towards her. "Am I ever going to get to hear you play the drums?"

"Oh yeah!"


A/N:: This was my first ever fanfic/short story for anything. If you like it leave a comment or like. If you guys want more Desh let me know and I'll do another story on them!!!

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