chapter six: is it really him?

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Jacob POV

I..... I couldn't believe it, I was face to face with the love of my life, my sun, my light, my past, my present, my future. I was staring at him, he was staring right back. It was as if we'd known each other for years.

We began to move forward. Towards each other. "Um h-h-h-hi.." I couldn't seem to be able to find my words, neither could he. "I'm Ted, Ted Cruz" he eventually said. "Oh, I know" I said under my breath but I returned the polite gesture "Hi there, I'm Jacob, Sartorius, that is."
There was a brief, noticeably awkward pause, when I decided to continue the conversation. "I loved your speech, inspiring, thrilling even." Wow I was awful at this. He didn't seem to notice, I hope. "Thank you, Mr. Sartorius, I appreciate it." I felt myself blushing. I was about to say something else, but before I could get a single word in edge ways, Ted was called away, he had to leave for a flight somewhere, I don't know probably a political thing. I sighed. I came face to face with true love, literally, and I missed the chance. I sunk my head down, and made my way to my next class.

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