Hearts true (Angel!Kenny x Reader)

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     Your friend Kenny had been dead for about 3 months now. Everyone wasn't as depressed as when it first happened. However if anyone mentions his name, usually anyone who hears it gets upset. Especially you, since you had a huge crush on him. You and him were close friends as well, and even though he told you he always came back the next day after dying, you knew whether or not that had been true, he wasn't coming back. You down at Kenny's grave woefully. You had really hoped that this was a dream 5 months ago. But now you know for sure, that it's a real-life nightmare.

You felt something touch you gently on your back. You jerk your head to see who would dare touch you while you grieve, but instead see no one. Sighing, you turn back to the grave and bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears. You knew after a few moments, that it wasn't possible. As you sobbed, a coldness went through you.

~Switch POV'S to Kenny's~

Kenny looked down at you as you cried at his grave. He bent down and tried to hug you. He knew you couldn't actually feel him or even see him. When he went to heaven after getting hit by a train, he asked God if he could become an Angel instead. God had agreed with his request and decided to let him become an angel. He knew that if he became an angel, he wouldn't die but instead stay in heaven and occasionally go to Earth to help people. He unfortunately didn't know that meant he couldn't touch you, or even speak to you. He hung around the most out of all Earth people.

He sometimes hung out with his friends to have a good laugh. He had became an angel 2 months ago, and it was really bothering him not to be able to speak or talk to you. He had tried everything to try to get you to notice him, but nothing had worked. Not even when he had placed the lamp from the living room to the kitchen. All you did when you saw it was shrug and walk away from it! Not like he had expected from you. Snapping back to reality, he watched you leave his grave sniffling. He really wish that he had some way to get back to being human.

He walked away from his grave and flew up to a building and sat down on the top of it. A man sat down beside him and began talking. "I know you're here; angel. I may not be able to see you, but I know you're here." The man sounded as if he was talking to him. "Huh? Silly old man." Kenny spoke, watching the old man. "Wow, rude for an angel to say to a poor sick old man." Kenny stared at the man in shock. "C-can you hear me?" The old man chuckled. "Yes, I can hear you angel; boy I'm guessing?" Kenny nodded, but quickly remember that the old man can't see him; just hear him.

"Yeah, I am. How in the world can you hear me?" The old man looked up to the sky and sighed, as if reminiscing. "Believe me if you will, but I too used to be an angel." Kenny stared at him, filled with shock. "What? How? Aren't you a human now?!" The old man laughed at Kenny's reaction. "Yes my dear angel boy. I am indeed human. You see I was once a human, but then I died. I asked God to make me an angel, thinking that if I became one I could then go to Earth and see the one I loved anytime I wanted. But as I progressed, I soon realized I was wrong."

The old stopped a moment, taking a deep breath. "So I went to heaven and began looking for ways to get me to become a human again. I soon found a book that told me if I wanted to become a human again, I would have to hope hard enough and wish with my heart to be human again. And if it turned out to be enough, I would become human again. As I had hoped, it had worked. And then, boom, I was human." Kenny grinned. "Wow! Thanks for telling me! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and make myself human again!"

Kenny started hoping with all of his heart be human again. He really missed you, his friends, his family, hell, even the fact that he was poor as fuck. He went to his grave, knowing you went there everyday after school. He saw you put flowers on his grave and get down on your knees, reminiscing. As he approached you, he desperately hoped he was human. He stood in front of you and spoke, trying to get your attention. "Yo (Y/n). Sup." You didn't move when he spoke. He felt his heartbreak and his breath hitch. It hadn't worked.

What if what the old man had been crazy and just rambling?! Just as he was about to try again, he was suddenly poofed right in front of God. "Hello Kenny. I realize your trying to become human again." He gulped nervously. "Yes, it's true. I am." God looked at Kenny. "Why do you need to become human again? You do realize if this happens, you'll be back to dying and then coming back the next day. Do you really want that?" Kenny sighed. "Yes, I do. I miss (Y/n), my friends, my family, even the fact that I'm poor!" Kenny spoke, breaking down in sobs. "I just want my life back!"

As God looked at him, he smiled. "Alright, if you really wish even after hearing the cons. Your heart really longs to be back with the people you love." Kenny was brought back to Earth but behind you.


You got up, ready to leave, but not before letting a few tears slip out. Acting quickly, Kenny wrapped his arms around you. You froze and turned around. Seeing Kenny, you gasp. "Can you see me (Y/n)?" You nod, not finding the right words. He grins and puts his head into your neck. You blush and look down at him. "Are you actually here, Kenny?" You feel him nod.

"Yeah, it's me (Y/n). You don't know how hard it was to come back here." You pull away a bit from the hug and grab his face. Kenny watches you questioningly. You pull his face forward and his lips meet yours. Face flushed red, you wait for him to kiss back. Just as you were about to pull away, he began kissing you back. After a few moments, you both pulled away. He stared at your beet red face. "So (Y/n), what was that about?" You look down, face turning redder. "I love you- that's why I did it.." He smiled and tilted your head up so you were looking at him.

"I love you too (Y/n). Be mine." You nod, hiding your face in his jacket. "Good- oh hey look!" He spoke, pointing at his used to be grave. You watched it disappear and grinned. "So long, dumb grave. He's not gonna be back for a while. You can trust me on that."

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