Vampire love (Mike x Real Vampire!Reader)

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  It was late at night as you made your way home. Normally, you would've been home earlier, but somehow you happened to get the closing shift at work. As you were walking, you couldn't help but feel like someone or something was watching you. As much as you tried, you just couldn't shake off the feeling. Just as you were about to call one of your friends to give you comfort, you heard a splash from behind you. Your heart dropped, blood running ice cold. You come to a stop, and slowly turned yourself around, hoping it was just your mind playing tricks on you.

Seeing nothing behind you, you sigh in relief, and turn back around. "Hi there!" A strange boy that looked about your age spoke suddenly, making you jump. You grab your chest in shock, eyeing the grinning boy. You clear your throat, deciding to give the waiting boy a response. "Um, hi? What are you doing? Where did you just come from?" You ask, narrowing your eyes, suspicious of him. You couldn't help but feel there was something up with the boy. After all, he did just suddenly appear in front of you late at night, and he was being awfully friendly.

"I saw you walking and decided to stop by and say hi! As for where I came from, I came from the convenience store you walked past!" He answered, still beaming his pearly whites at you. You furrow your eyebrows and try to think back to walking past a convenience store. You suddenly remember, your eyes widening in shock. 'The last convenience store I saw, was at least 4 blocks ago. He's been following me for 4 blocks!?' You thought, your heart racing in fear. "W-why did you follow me?" You asked him urgently, fear evident in your voice.

His smile grew into a look of confusion, as he cocked his head to the side. "I just followed you because the other guy following you was! Was it just a friend thing between you guys?" He replied, almost apologetically. You clench your fists, shocked by what you heard. "Look, whatever your name is, there wasn't supposed to be ANYONE following me. Was the guy still following me when you decided to say hi to me?" You inquire, screaming internally.

Suddenly the strangers face turned serious, and he grabbed your wrist. "The names Mike. So no one was supposed to be following you?" He peered into your eyes, and you nodded in response to his question. He turned his attention to a building in the distance, tensing up his body. "Alright, I'll be right back. Stay here and wait for me, so I can walk you home. I have something that needs to be dealt with." As soon as he finished what he was saying, he took off to the said building, leaving you in disbelief.

Shaking your head, you quickly run up to the building, curious to see what Mike was doing. As you were hiding watching Mike punch the man in the face, your stomach growled loudly. Mike looks up from what he's doing, and squints in your direction. Sheepishly, you come out of your hiding, embarrassed that you were caught. Mike frowned, still holding the man in a tight grip. "I told you to stay over there! It's too dangerous over here for you." Mike exclaimed loudly, dropping the man and turning to face you. Smirking, you speed over behind Mike, and smack him on the head, knocking him out. Slowly, you turn back to the man that had been following you, and licked your lips hungrily.

~Time skip to about an hour later~

Just as you were finishing, you heard a groan come from behind you, signalling Mike had awoken. Taking your fangs out of the stalker, you turn to Mike, ready to sink your fangs into him as well, if you had to. "A-are you a vampire?" Mike sputtered, struggling to pick himself up from the ground. Standing tense, you nod your head, confirming his suspicion. Before you could do anything else, you were knocked to the ground. Hissing lightly from the sudden impact, you look up at the boy sitting on you. "That's pretty cool! I went through a vampire phase in elementary school! Could you turn me into a vampire?" He excitedly rambled, hope evident in his eyes. Your eyes widened in shock, not quite expecting this reaction from the boy.

Coughing slightly, you gestured for him to get off your fallen form. As soon as he had gotten off of you, he dragged you up making your head dizzy from the sudden rush. "So, can you turn me into a vampire?" Mike questioned once again, just as excited as before. You shrugged nonchalantly, looking away from him. "Maybe? It's pretty difficult to do." You sigh out, turning your gaze back onto him. He frowned slightly, and was silent, obviously thinking. Just as you were about to walk away, his frown suddenly turned back into a grin, and he clapped his hands in joy. "Please turn me into a vampire! Even if it's not now, I'm willing to wait however long it takes!" He begged, sending you puppy dog eyes. You sucked your teeth, peering up at him. "What's in it for me?" You request, curious to see what his reply would be.

Sliding his hand into yours, his confident grin changed into a gentle, calm smile. "Not having to be alone forever?" He offered, squeezing your hand comfortingly. You nod your head, finally smiling at him. "Alright, sure. I'll eventually turn you into a vampire." You agreed, for the first time in a long time, feeling warmth in your cold, heart.   

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