Chapter 1

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hey my children!~

this is my first story so, bare with me here, okay.

so this is actually a true story and i wanted to share it.

also i don't know if the plural of cas is cas' or cas's so if no one tells me im gonna write the whole story using cas'

I'm blasting dan and phil vidoes while writing this so it might not be good, but hey, i can try.

Whatever, read on i guess.

Castiel kept his head down as he walked down the slender hallway of the school, holding his textbooks close to his chest. He tried his best not to make eye contact with the boys he feared, the, what the teachers called them, 'bullies.' But he just thought they were people. They didn't deserve a bad title because of what they were doing. They might hurt him, but deep down he just kept his head held high, and knew that these guys were just people, humans with emotions just like him. Soon, this'll all end. Everything a human starts comes to an end at one point.

"Oops!" One of the boys laugh, pushing all of Cas' text books out of his hands, one of them hitting his the nose and causing it to bleed, "Guess the nerd dropped his textbooks, what a klutz!" One of the boys said, laughing and pointing at his other friends. He then bent down and looked Cas dead in the eyes, "God gonna save you now, Castiel?" Honestly, this all seemed like such a cliché. He grabbed Cas by the shirt and held him up high, but his expression never changed.

"Pray, Castiel, Pray. Nothings gonna happen. You're all alone." Another boy laughed, watching as the first boy push poor Castiel into the storage room, a small room with supplies, and started beating him up. The five punches to the face that felt like nearly 10,000. The few kicks to his legs that made him almost unable to walk. He felt so helpless.

"Whoa, Hey! Let him go!" A female voice rang through the room. The boy backed up and looked at the girl who came in with a shocked face. It was Charlie. She pushed him out of the room and grabbed Cas' hand and pulled him up, so he was standing up straight. " do you get yourself into these things?" She sighed and grabbed a small cloth, wiping the blood off his face.

"I'm not quite sure...." Cas looked down and sighed as she giggled. He was lucky to have her, she was one of his only friends, though he probably wouldn't title her as a best friend. She helped him out a lot though.

"Don't worry, that Zachariah doesn't know what he's talking about, and hell with Michael and Balthazar! You're not alone, you have me, right?" She smiles and gently takes the cloth off his face, the blood going from the boys face to the cloth, the poor white cloth was now a blood red.

"Right....Thanks, Charlie..." he follows behind her as she walks out the door and grabs his textbooks off the floor, shoving them in his face. Cas loved the smell of paper and smelt it as she shoved the books in front of him.

"Next up, Chem!" She skipped off to the chemistry class they take together, Cas slowly following behind her. He then heard the sound of a motorcycle outside, so his head quickly jolted to the door as he watched a light haired, leather jacket wearing jerk walk through the door with his badass blonde haired girlfriend. Dean and Jo. Jo was the one who owned the motorcycle, he used it to look cool. They were cool kids, they were friends with the boys that bullied Cas, and many others that were also jerks. Castiel hated them.

"Don't forget about the school dance!" Some random person shouted in the hallways, "Get your dates!" Cas glared at the guy as him and Charlie walked past him, wanting to stick up a finger at him, but hesitantly resisting the urge.

"So, you gonna get yourself a boyfriend before then?" Charlie elbows Cas and giggles. He sighs and holds his textbooks tighter,

"Doubt it." he glances back at Dean and other boys around him, "Yeah, that's never gonna happen..." he whispers, she laughs at him.

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