Chapter 7

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i hope you guys don't get annoyed with these little messages at the start and sometimes the end of the story

i wish someone else wrote this because its a really good story but i cant write very well

it gets a bit


but that's life, life is sad.

"I'm so upset..." Cas giggled through Deans computer screen. Dean smiled and gave him a confused look,


"Because school started a week ago and I'm already so annoyed with school work! Charlie is always asking for help and her type of 'help' is filling out the entire thing for her!" Cas sighs heavily, throwing a pile of paper across the room. Dean jumped at the sudden loud noise and then laughed at his behavior,

"Just be like me!" Dean said proudly, Cas raised an eyebrow, "Don't do the homework!"

"Yeah," Cas laughed to the point where his cheeks turned red, "I'm sure that'll work!" He picks up a little bit of the paper he flicked. He looked down and smiled at something.

"What are you smiling at?" Dean put down his phone and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Cas shook his head and giggled,

"It's just.." He picked up this small black object, "You left your camera here!" He turns it on and looks through some of the videos, it was a video camera, only for videos. Dean had got and filled it with only memories of him and Cas. He could hear the voices through the video Cas was watching. "Remember this day!" He turned the camera around happily to show Dean a video where they were outside holding hands, but Dean couldn't pick out what they were saying.

"Of course!" He smiled as Cas smiled brightly at the videos, but then Sam scared them both.

"DEAN! YOU NEED TO TAKE ME OUTSIDE!" Sam called out, Dean and Cas gave each other weird looks before Dean answered,

"WHY?" He called back.


"Alright Sam," Dean laughed and shrugged at Cas, "I gotta go I guess. I love you, to the moon,"

"Moon, and what?" Chuck walked into Cas' room, holding something in his hands, Cas nearly screams, then starts laughing,

"And stars." He smiled down at Dean, who smiled back. Chuck giggled, placing a small pill on a table by his bed. It was his antidepressants. One time when Cas and Dean were talking Cas told Dean that he didn't need to take them. 'yes you do, please take them.' Cas shook his head and giggled before he spoke, 'you're my antidepressant!' he smiled. 'cheeeesy!' Dean would say.

"You're supposed to say 'and back', silly." He laid something down on a table by Cas' bed.

"Not the way we do it." He giggles and looks at Chuck, then back at Dean, "Bye!" Dean closed the computer. He walked out to Sam who already had his shoes on and was waiting at the door. He got his shoes on and his jacket then headed outside with his little brother.


"I'm gonna go on a walk!" Cas sang to Chuck, Chuck hummed in acknowledgement. Cas walked down a path, hands in his pockets, humming a song by his favorite artist. He looked up at the moving clouds as he walked, then something hit him. Something strong literally hit him square in the face, causing him to fall backwards. Without knowing what it was, he stood back up and hit back. It was a person, it was Zach and Mich. Without thinking, he punched them back, hitting them in the face so they almost fell back, but they caught their balance.

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