Chapter 6

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the picture above is a harry potter cross over but i had nothing okay


did i put a picture  at the top of the last chapter? i can't remember..

these chapter endings are always weird.

wow I'm already on chapter five?

ill try to squeeze in a little more fluff before i get to the main part.

This gotta end at some point right?

im not one to make long storys weather its based off a true story or not


"Geez....It's so hot out..." Dean sighs as he covers the sun with the hand that's not holding Cas' hand gently. It's been practically a full year since Dean and Cas went on their first date, John actually forgot about them. Chuck had to visit his sister about an hour or two out of town, so Cas and Dean came with him. It's been about a week since John had told Dean they were leaving soon, but when Dean called him, he picked up after 4 times and said he was fine and was heading back any day now to get them. He was being complicated and Dean hated it.

"But look at the water, isn't it pretty?" Cas' eyes glowed as he looked down at the ocean water, splashing at the shoreline. Dean giggled as he looked around from where they were standing. Near Chuck's sisters house, there was a small beach that no one ever went to. It was less sand and more rocks, but Cas seemed very interested in the water.

"Yeah, it's pretty." Dean didn't even look over to see it, Cas glared at him. He knelt down and put his hand in the water, splashing it around a bit. He walked over to a large rock and examined it closely, gasping as he found something that caught his interest. "What is it?" Dean walked closer, trying not to get his shoes in the water.

"Starfish!" Cas exclaimed, holding a little pink starfish in his hands and shoving it in Deans face. Dean jumped back,

"I-It's gonna die if you leave it out of the water too long!" He nearly yelled in shock, trying to grab it out of Cas' hands and put it back in the water.

"How cute! Isn't it cute?" Cas pulled it away from Dean, ignoring him.


"I love starfish!" Cas giggles and skips into the water, placing the starfish back on the rock, in the water, "There you go, Buddy. Live on!" He said happily, waving goodbye to the starfish as he walked back to Dean.

"You almost killed it..." Dean glared playfully, Cas smiled and grabbed his hand again,

"I would never." Cas starts walking next to Dean as they continue walking up the beach, admiring the water as Dean admired him.

"Don't get too attached to this beach, Cas." Dean waited a second for Cas to turn around to see him, "We're leaving soon, right?" Cas nodded then looked back at the water.

"Look Dean!" Cas shouted, bending over and picking something up, something he could hold tightly in his hand so Dean couldn't see. He then opens his hand to reveal a small rock. He stared at it for a few seconds with a smile then held it up to Deans face, next to his eye.

"What is it?" Dean doesn't bother moving the rock off his face because Cas looks excited by whatever it is.

"This rock looks like your eyes!" He stops staring at the rock and gives Dean a smile. Dean blinks a few times in shock,

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