chapter 3

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third chapter, i'm glad that a lot of your are reading this story and becoming my fan. means alot . i hope everyone likes it. it's not edit, but i'm looking for someone to edit it  for me. just send me your email, a lot of packs about yourself. enjoy.


     Vanessa POV

                          i was reading up on my old pack, things i've miss over the years. like about my family. oh, i miss my parents. it breaks my heart to know of how the pack treated them. because of this my mother almost killed herself, if it wasn't for my father, she would have successe. and my father too. how was he holding on. from what i'm reading before me, un like mom who lost all her friends, my dad only had two left. it was because of the rogue war going on they haven't Left the pack. they need protection and they will get it. i still remember what words they said to me the night they banish me from the pack. 

     all of this wouldn't have to happen, if only.  they listen to me.

but they didn't listen to me.

      they wouldn't make  let me explain. that i was doing it for them. but it seems everything was for nothing.

 they decide to trust someone else over their own daughter. they banish me for trying to protect them.

              the bastard got what he wanted. has i read the document, i couldn't help the tears that fall from my eyes.  it was before a months before they were attack that they found Gabriella brother was plotting, against the pack. since no evidence was found that she was apart of it she was still able to stay.  she and my-ex-mate still date. but from my sources, Gabriella found her mate. a mate she rejected. my heart went out to the guy. i pray he will another werewolf or a human who will love him unconditionally.

        alpha Daniel still haven't found his mate yet, my older siblings, my eldest sister Jasmine is pregnant and lost her mate in the battle. Fiona still haven't found her and my brother BoB, gay as ever and praying he doesn't find a mate. alot of have happen all the time i was gone.

     i read a couple more minutes before giving my brain a rest, in less than a day my old pack will be joining us. and i still don't know what i'm going to  do when i see them.

         i'm still angry.


            once again i was being wake by my twin boys who jump up and down on my bed. i was about to hug them but a voice at the door stop me. i turn to see Tiffany and Brad.

     "come on boys, let mommy and aunty talk and we can't go get ice-cream." they scream at that and fun away.

"it's too early for ice-cream." i shout at them.

"it's almost two o'clock." Tiffany laugh and said.

                 "what?" i look at her in disbelief. but it is. i sleep through the old day and my old pack was coming today. i began jumping around the room to get my things ready. falling over stuff on the ground. making Tiffany laugh. "slow down." she laugh.

            "my old pack will be here any second now." i told her. rushing to the bathroom. shower in record time and cloths on i turn to Tiffany. "let's check everything out one last time before they get here." i move to the door but stop and turn when she didn't follow. "what's wrong?" i ask worried.

"you think my mate will be with this pack?" her blue eyes were cast down and her fingers lock together. someone things she do when she's nervous or worried.

           "there is nothing to worry about. " i said praying it will be true. i bend down looking into her face so she could look into mine. "he will love you. if his a member in the pack. if he doesn't, you do know how could i am with a knife." she smile at that. then nod. once again she didn't more. "what is it this time?"

  "the boys?" she said, my chest tighten. she saw my expression shaking her head, "nothing is wrong with the boys." i sight. "nothing bad. but." i look at her eye brow raise. " they haven't shift yet, but their powers. Reinaldo is able to tell your past with one touch like it am. and Emygdio, the future. the boys are royal wolves Nessa."

           Alejandro POV

         it's been three hours since we arrived at the MystickRed pack and there was still no sign of the alpha. currently at the members of my pack is in the training grounds waiting. when we got here the old alpha told us his daughter will be down after she got finish her nap. when we hear this the pack break out in conversation. how could the alpha be sleeping at a time like this. but it didn't matter, while we wait we got to look around the place, it was almost like a town.  we also got the settle in the house perpare for us. after that we meet almost all the pack members who were almost over five hundred! all who gave us cold stares. if the new born could do the same thing i'm sure they would have. they didn't like us, if they didn't why would there alpha accept us? i was about to say something to my brother when Gabriella my mate said, "what kind of alpha sleep at a time like this? getting a good fuck by her mate more like it." when she said that, the most heavenly voice, the same one i talk to over the phone a week ago, sound in the grounds.

          "sorry to keep you waiting." does of who were sitting were no standing. everyone turn to the where the voice spoke from.  the MystikRed pack smile big smiles while my pack gasp.

          "V-V-anessa" i said. my mate. my old mate. stood before me and my old pack  looking more beautiful thank i remember, her long curly hair was gone, instead a boyish cut replace it. she was dress in a ll white. white blouse, white hat, white pants and brown sandles. she was like angel. my angel. all the feelings i thought i bury when she cheat. came back.

          even when they exile her i still miss her. her smile, her touch, her kisses and just her voice. but  for just a little fuck she threw it all a way. my jaw clench. but even so i still love her. i move toward him but stop when i felt an hand on my arms. i turn to see Gabriella. the look on her face wasn't happiness. "don't" she said. but i couldn't i have to touch her talk to her."don't, please. remember what she and my brother did. what if she was apart of it?" she said. no, she wouldn't. her own pack. she couldn't. but she could, she did cheat on me. who s aid she wasn't part of the planning with it. but even so i couldn't take my eyes off of her. there were still more questions i need to ask her. how have she been doing all these five years. why did she really do it?

    i watch her as she made eye contact with my brother, Gabriella, i felt her flinch beside me then her hands tighten. then she came to me. our eyes lock, held while she finish. after she was finish applause went up.  shaking Gabriella hands off me, moving toward her. ignoring the calls from my old pack. i was almost  to her when two little boys around four or five ran up to her.

       "mommy!" they screamed, i stop. stunned by what stood before me. my mate have kids. who are not mine.  kids of the enemy, and the she's alpha.


sorry if this chapter was boring. i'm still looking for someone to edit my story.  let me know if anything confuse you.





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