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i hope everyone likes this, the idea pop in my head and i just had to get it across out there. this is not edit,so there is alot of mistakes. but i hope you like it. enjoy.

-----> picture of the young Vanessa



five years ago...

    Vanessa POV

" please Alejandro, listen to me." i begged but he only pull me - drag me along not listening to me. his grip tighten on me hand, i bite my lip to not cry out in pain. "please, i can explain." i said pleading.

 "explain," he stop turning to me with the most terrifying look in his eyes. then they change from blue to black to blue again. i knew he was trying to control his wolf."explain," he repeat. "that you couldn't keep your legs close. i should have listen to Gabriella." he laugh cruelly. " your nothing but a slut and a whore." he screamed. because of this people were coming out from the house.

  "please, take me home Alejandro." i try pulling my hand from his crip again but he only held tight on it.

 "home, you don't have a home any more" by now the streets were pack with people. all werewolves since we live far into the woods.

"Alejandro, please." i plead, tears burning in my eyes. i need to make him understand before things got out of control. i didn't want to loose him.

what is going on her?" alpha Danielle, Alejandro's older brother asked.

"this woman, who's suppose to be my mate cheated on me." Alejandro shout to the people, everyone gasp. right away chatter started.

 "Nessa, tell me it ain't so," my mother said, her eyes boring into mine. i loved down, i couldn't bear it. "oh my god." i heard her. "how could you? to your own mate?" she demand. i couldn't open my mouth to say anything, i was a shame.

"why? why?"

"and she doesn't seems like the type."

"what a bitch!"

"poor Alejandro, he loved her." people where saying.

"i told you she's a slut. " my head snap up looking for the voice. my eyes landed on Gabriella Mint, my ex-best friend. the real slut. she smirk at me evilly. my hands itch to tear her part from part, i knew she have a part in the reason why i had slept with her brother. she wanted Alejandro to her self. but his mine. MINE!


"why Vanessa? you know i love you." he cut me off. "you know i just wanted to wait until we're married. only two more years." tears were starting to form in his eyes. it break my heart to see my mate cry and i'm the cause of it."couldn't you control yourself for two more years? two fucking more years!" he screamed. his parents rush up toward him, trying calm him. but he only shook them off. they sent death glare at me. i had to make Hayden understand, he have to forgive me.

"your right, i couldn't wait." i lied, i would have wait forever until he was ready. until i'm ready. "it was a mistake. it won't happen again." he looked at me hopefully. i let relief wash over me, i was going to have my mate back. but it was only short lived.

"lair" Gabriella shout up, everyone looked at her. "don't listen to her, she will do it again,." she said to Hayden. looking at me with disgusted. she reach for her pocket for her phone. "look at these pictures" she said showing him the phone. i couldn't see. but from the looks of Alejandro face it was something good.

"i hate you, i never wanted to see you again. everyone, this woman right here, she's nothing but a lying bitch and whore. who can't keep her legs close. i just learn for three months that she have been sleeping around. she fool us all. the good girl we all thought she was is a slut in sheep clothing."  he looked at me " i Alejandro Hayden Merrri reject Vanessa Ava Steward as my mate." my heart break at those words. he didn't mean them. he couldn't we're mates, no one can love us then each other. he couldn't.

"you don't mean that. Alejandro.." he looked at me once more. before turning away. i rush to him but that Gabriella step infont of me. "why don't you leave. you little hoe"

"move!" i demand, she didn't move. so i sent her flying. "Alejand-" was all i got to say before my head turn to the right. i turn back to see Alejandro with his hand raise. he slap me, me his mate. " don't you ever put your hand on my mate again or i will kill you. you are banish from the CloudGreek pack."

""you can't banish me." i told him. he was only the beta.

"no, but i can."  alpha Daniella said stepping toward me. my eyes widen. "but where will i go?" i ask.

"you can die for all we care." this was from my mate. i try calming my racing heart. no, they couldn't do this. "i'm sorry, Nessa." alpha Danielle said. my eyes found my parents and older siblings. they all looked at me with disgusted.

"your disowned by this family." my dad said.

"your no family of ours. if you speak of it  we won't hesitate to kill you."

"your disowning and banishing me from the pack because i cheat!" i screamed. i'm doing it for you, all of you! i wanted to add on but didn't. it might really get them killed.

"Alejandro, please. i love you." i confess. but all i saw was hatred and disgust, the love i once see was no longer in his eyes. i lost him, because i love him, to protect him, i cheat. i looked at my friends eyes, my family. they all held the same. disgust, shame, pity and hatred. it was all for nothing. they wouldn't listen. i had no one.

ripping my shirt at my shoulder were the pack sign was i present it to my soon to be ex-alpha. when the pain come i bite down on the inside of my lips. blood drip from my shoulder. i looked at Gabriella, she was smiling. her body press to my mate like a second skin.

they will pay, they all will.


so how do you like it? any thing confuse you? what do you think is the reason why she cheated? do you think she should be forgiven? why or why not?

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