chapter 5

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ok, next chapter. it's not edi, sorry. bare through with the mistake.


Nessa POV

                      I was in my office like i told my former alpha when he knock on my door. i didn't even have to ask who it was to know it was in him. i smell him. in all his pride, nervousness and his loyally to his brother. i knew he was still battling his loyally to his brother and the pack. in the end he choose right. the life of many is more than one. when he decide to kick me out of the pack because what i did and not listen to my explanation, i lost some respect for him. if he had chosen to side with his brother again the little respect i have left for him would flush down the toilet.  even after all these years, the hate and pain i felt because of Alejandro, i still love him. no matter what he think of  of me i would let him i still do. with all the power i have, i'll try to make it work and hope he would accept my boys has his own.

                      Tiffany, get your butt in here. i send out to the mind link for my sister and beta.

"come in." i call out. pushing the papers i was working a side,  i lend back in my chair. bracing myself  to see if Alejandro was with him, after all he is his beta. he wasn't. i sight in sadness. "sit" i told him. he did, i didn't say a thing, waiting for Tiffany. i took the chance to study him. all the yeas have been good to him.  he was demanding more handsome, but Alejandro was more so.  the look on his face made me smile, he really didn't want to be here. hey, i gave him a choice.  i open my mouth to ask him something but Tiffany came inside.

            "hey, sorry i took so long." she said.

"no problem. Daniel just got here." i told her. she nod. taking a seat. "what about your beta alpha Daniel?" i raise a bow, his eyes harden. "don't play dump. we both know why he is not here." he hiss.

    "maybe, maybe not." laying forward, all nicest gone. "you and your pack came here for help. and if personal problems is more important than everyone else in the pack then i don't need you and your pack to put my pack in danger.  no matter what kind of personal problems one pack member have, he or she should put that a side until the pack problem is taken care of."  coolly i told him. i was still hang over with the problem but you don't see me putting it before my pack family.

         " The are only three things i care for in this world."i look him in the eyes, " one; to keep my family safe. two; Charlotte." i finish.

      i watch him frown. "wait,"


"you said three things, that was two." he question, looking at Tiffany who had a knowing smile on her face.


"so, what's the other thing."

"other thing what?"

"so said you care about three things in the world. " he sight, i could see the irritation lines forming on his forehead. " you gave two, what's the other one?"

"that's mine business." i got up.

 "yeah, just like spreading your legs for the enemy." when he said that, Tiffany had his ass on the floor and her right foot on his chest. tried all he might, he couldn't move.

      "watch your mouth or your pack will find themselves without a alpha. while your in my pack, you obey to me. so does your pack. i understand after we have this little meeting you will want to talk to your pack so lets get this on the road." Tiffany let him up from the floor. "Danielle, i know what i did can be unforgiving and i know you thinks i'm a slut. i'm fine with that, i couldn't say i didn't regret it. but i don't regret what i got from it. we're in a time for need, we have to help each other, you need to get off your high horse and start thinking about what's best for  your family. i'm not the threat here. Gabe is" i told him.

      he nod, "good, so lets get down to the planning." what seems like hours, we went over possible plans on what Gabe and his army must be thinking of. what packs will they be attacking next. if we  could join forces all the packs in the area we could win the battle. how we will be preparing for the battle. we part on agreeing to stay training every  eligible fighter  form the age fifteen. after Tiffany left. Danielle decide to sit and study me for some reasons. i allow him to watch me and analyzed me any way he wants.  it wasn't after the first twenty minutes he spoke.

      " i still don't like you." he said. i only nod. " for the sake of my pack, after this war is over, i don't want anything to do with you are your pack ever again." again i just nod. didn't even look up from the papers i was reading. "while we're here, i want you to stay away from my brother." i stop there. "after what you put him through-- "

         "what i do with your brother is none of your business or the pack." i cut him off. closing my hands together on the desk. "the last time i check, Alejandro is my mate. not you, my parents or pack. so what ever relationship we have have nothing to do with the pack." i told him. if he thought i was going to give up Alejandro he was joking. i did no wrong, i did something good, even thou it prove to be useless. i still try to prevent it. just like i felt all those years ago, he had no right  banish me from the pack."

      "yes, it is my business when the man you cheated on my brother with attack our pack and kill many members and to have you be part of it. you knew what-" he began shouting.

          "whoa whoa whoa. what, be a part of it. you thought i was apart of it. that i helped Gabe.'" i stand. i never once thought he would go so low. to think i would do anything about.  "i knew Gabe was going to attack because i over heard him on the phone. i tried to stop him. i tried to help, that's why i offered--" i stopped there. i was shouting. he had his choice.  " i have put up with the embarrassment years ago. rejection from my mate and family. but don't worry, i've gain something better after your rejection, i don't need this from you and my life. Danielle you have a pack to prepare, get to it or they will end up with an alpha. and when they do join the rogue category, i won't hold back to kill all of them." i threaten.

       his eyes screams murder. i won't be surprise that after the war was finish and we win, he wouldn't declare war on my pack. he turn around to walk out the door. "Danielle," i called out to him. he stop and turned. i smile, evil and cunning, " make no mistake, Alejandro will be mine. and when this war is over, all of you will be begging on your knees." i told him. his jaw clench so hard they could break, then he finally made his exist. once the door slam behind him i fell back in the train. letting out a breath of air. not only was i fighting a battle of death but one of love.


sorry for the late reply. looking for an editor. please message me if your up for the job.

question time.

Do you think Nessa should try to get back with Alejandro?why or why not?

Do you think Alejandro will want to get back with Nessa why or why not?

What about Gabrielle? Gabe's sister?

Do you think Danielle went over board in banishing Nessa from the pack?

what about Nessa birth family?

P.S. writing a new story. Mermaid story, upload for seducing Mr nerd will be up soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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