Hot and your cold!!!

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Jason pov

30 minutes later

I arrived at the house, I then spoke ale and ava I am home, I just heard a faint in here, from ale, I then walked into the lounge where I heard her voice, both of them were sitting on the couch watching, Frozen, one of many of ava's favourites, she just loves disney movies and fairytales, just like her mother, sky also never really stopped believing in dragons,fairies and all mythical creatures,she believed just because you couldn't see them doesn't mean they don't exist, she believed it with all her heart, I then also sat down on the couch and watched Frozen, then Ava spoke " papa you visited mama again, what does she say,does she miss me, I miss her papa, very much" I then felt my heart constrict in pain, as I saw ava got tears in her eyes,i then pulled her on to my lap and I comforted her and I spoke " si my piccolo papa visited mama, she misses you very much, everyday, she says,I miss her too my princess, very much so, we can go say hello tomorrow again, would you like that my piccola, she would like to see you,and hear you", she then just nodded her head and yelled yippie, and she jumped off the couch and onto Ale,and shouted excitedly " did you hear that ale,we will be visiting mama tomorrow I can't wait, yay,yay", ale then spoke after a while " si I heard princessa, it is good news, I know how you miss mama", I then looked at Ale but she didn't once glance my way, I guess it is expected the way I have been acting, is totally crazy, but no more, I will keep my relationship with Ale, professional,  she is here for a job, nothing else nothing more, then I spoke " Alessia get Ava and yourself ready, we will be going to the park in a few minutes", I didn't give her a chance to reply as I got up and walked to the kitchen, and I opened the fridge and took out some coke, and poured some into a glass, I then chugged down the coke, then I heard ale and ava come down the stairs, both equally happy, and bubbly, I then spoke when I came face to face with them, "ready girls let's go"

25 minutes later

We arrived at the park,we got out and ava Immediately ran to the playground, but Ale shouted after her" ava wait I am coming you can't be alone, I need to watch you ", she then ran after Ava, I then sat down on a bench and looked at ava and ale playing, on the swings, Ava looked so happy and at peace, and Ale she looked beautiful, ugggggh here we go again jason deluca pull yourself together strictly professional, nothing more nothing less, stop acting crazy, ava and ale then came running over, I then spoke " Did you have fun my little princessa,??", she then spoke "si papa I had lots of fun with ale,she is so fun papa and so nice , can we get ice-cream pretty pretty please, papa", I let out a sigh and spoke "okay si let's go get ice-cream",  we then started walking to the nearest ice-cream shop, when we entered the shop we were struck with so many flavours of ice-cream flavours you wouldn't even imagine, flavours you would have never imagined in your wildest dreams, I then spoke " wow I have never so many flavours in my life, look at this princessa, so much to choose, come ale come and choose what you want", we then chose our flavours and sat down, we then started chatting and I spoke " come let's head back so that I can cook us dinner what would you two girls like to eat?,any suggestions", they both just shook their head no, I shrugged and we walked back to the car, where we started heading back home.

25 minutes later

We arrived at the house and I switched on my radio, while ale went upstairs to bath ava, I scrolled through my playlist and I chose, dancing in the moonlight, by toploader, I then started walking to the kitchen, I have to make food, but what maybe I should make a feast with a few varieties like a finger dinner, where we sit on cushions, and eat, I then started making various, food, after a hour everything was ready, I then placed it one the coffee table, then I heard ale and ava's voices as they were coming down the stairs, they then walked into the lounge where they looked in awe at the feast I prepared, I then spoke " what don't you like it, I thought let's try something different,something adventurous, and now we are,", then Ava spoke " we like it si, ale, this is perfecto, grazie papa" Ale just looked at me, with a shy smile on her face and an unknown expression on her face, she then spoke " si it is beautiful, bellisima, I never ate like this before it is so adventurous, grazie jason", I then spoke " È un piacere prego mangiamo" ( it's my pleasure,your welcome,let's eat), we then sat and told stories and we laughed, I then glanced over at ava, she was busy falling asleep,as I speak, I then whispered to ale" let me just put her to bed real quick", ale shaked her head no she then spoke " no jason let me, I am her nanny now, it is my job", I then nodded my head okay, and she got up and started carrying ava upstairs to her bedroom, I then started cleaning up what needed to be clean up, then I walked up stairs, and I heard ale's voice, gently reading something to ava, I then hovered by the door and I peaked my head inside, there was ale reading ava's favourite story book,to her,while ava, was sleeping, and somehow it warmed my heart and did something I didn't want, I don't want, somehow it brought a smile to my face she then stopped reading when she saw ava was asleep,she then switched on ava's lava lamp,because ava is still pretty scared of the dark,so she sleeps with her lava lamp on, I then decided to enter the room and I spoke "is she asleep?? " she jumped as I startled her,she turned to me with her one hand over her heart and she spoke " dahm it jason you scared me, si she is asleep I read her her favourite story book", I then spoke " mi dispiace,it was not my intentions, ale, I am sorry, come let's go, finish our dinner" she then nodded and we walked out of the room and downstairs, to the lounge,i then walked over to the radio,where I played dancing in the moonlight by top loader again, I then held out my hand to ale, and I spoke " my dear lady will you honour me with a dance, my fair maiden" she then curtsied and placed her hand into mine and she spoke " yes my fine sir, I will be honoured to dance with a dashing knight like yourself", 

I then started twirling her around, our bodies were in perfect sync, moving to the rhythm of the song,everytime I twirled her she started laughing, her laugh was so beautiful and contagious, I couldn't help but join her, we lost ourselves in the music, just having fun, getting lost in this moment, getting lost in each other,

A few minutes later

The song ended and another song started playing, Michel buble sway(tango song), I then pulled her closer and closer to my body, we were now pressed up together, my hands involuntary slid down her shoulders to her lower back and they rested there, the feeling of my hands making contact with her skin,left me breathless,and on fire, yet I couldn't stop I couldn't pull away, my body is on fire right now, my hands then roamed further down and they rested on her beautiful curvy derriere , and I gave it a light squeeze, ale then placed her head into the crook of my neck, and a soft moan left her mouth, and at that moment desire coursed through my body, as I wanted more, I needed more, I needed to hear more, more of her sweet soft moans, my hands then slid down between her legs, and I gently but firmly stroked them with my hands, as I moved up to her most sensitive part, I grabbed her through her jeans, and she let out another sweet but louder moan, she then moved even tighter against my body, I could feel her heart beating against my body, I could feel her warm breath against my neck, and It was driving me crazy, I then grabbed her head into my hands,and my mouth decended on hers with a vengeance, with so much raw passion and desire, I was becoming so addicted to her, no what the hell jason, enough is enough she is not skylar, she will never be skylar, I then pulled away, and I stood away from her breathing heavy, desire still aching in my body, for that release, I then spoke in a cold voice " this will never happen again, it was a mistake, I am a warm blooded male, who has been alone far too long, I have needs, and desires, I miss skylar that is all, good night alessia, I apologise, for acting this way, it will never happen again buona notte, " I then ran up the stairs, and I slammed my bedroom door close I can't believe, this, I am surely losing my mind, get a grip you are jason deluca, this is not you ,there was only one woman for you and that was sky, starting tomorrow me and alessia will be strictly professional , I then fell asleep dreaming of a beautiful brunette with her stunning turquoise and mixture of aqua,eyes.

Author's note

Well that is it for now, I feel I want this book to be different and not end up the same way as all the fairytales, or romances, I like adventure,and drama,and then of course the ending, the happy ending, I feel we as writers,should always go all out,expand your writing capabilities, whether you are writing about science,or things you don't usually write about do it, try something new, you have been given a gift for a reason use it, you have it in you, so that's it for now,will be updating soon whenever I can, what do you guys think of jason and alessia, something beautiful yet dangerous is brewing between those two, but stay tuned as more twists, more excitement,more drama,more adventure, and more romance will follow, stay tuned, keep smiling, and LOVE, God loves you, all, no matter where you come from or what you have done, his love knows no boundaries, and his love is unconditional, till next time, my crazies, Salamander22 xxx L

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