Chap. 11 - Secret Passage

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The next day, you did your usual things to do.

Your masters were busy today.

Xiumin along with Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were going to the mall to buy groceries.

Kris and Luhan was asked to go to SM Ent. due to their training.

Lay, Kai and Sehun were asked to attend the dance auditions near SM Ent.

D.O, Suho and Tao are going to the golf course to play with.

Then you are left alone in the mansion.

You don't know what to do.

Since you are alone, you took the chance to go back to the pavilion.

You bring with you your sketch pad, pencil, book, and of course your snacks inside of your back pack that it was given by Chanyeol in the other day.

When you came down, a butler went near to you and asked.

"Miss. Why are you packing your stuffs? The young masters might nr angry if they see you like that."

"Mr. Jung. I'm just staying in the villa, I just bought my, I'll be back at lunch."- you lied because you knew that these butlers will stop you.

"I understand, please hurry back or else, we will get the punishment."- Mr. Jung laughed then you went out.

You went first at the garden to get a pair of garden scissors, a bolo and a broom, you are also planning to clean in there.

You carefully went to the pavilion, but the only problem is, there was a wall that is blocking the entrance of the pavillon and it stated 'Keep Out!'

You frowned by it.

You think and think on a plan.

Then you gently touched the wall, and the way you touched it...

All of the 12 logos appeared.

More like it was a password for you to enter to it.

You realize that the logos that appeared in the wall are not in proper order.

Good thing you remembered that this is the wrong arrangement of the logos.

And luckily, you remembered this...

"First, the snow flake, next the globe, the dragon, the water droplet, the unicorn, then the spark logo of the light, the lightning, the phoenix, the unknown logo, the hour glass, the portal then lastly the whirl wind."- you stated.

And what makes you even surprised is what you stated a second ago, the logos magically arranged from the snow flake to the whirl wind.

Then there was a little shake on the ground then the wall disappears.

"Cool. Easy password. I didn't know that they have it in the immortal world."- you said, still astonished on what you have done.

And when you reach led at the top of the pavillion, you smiled as you saw that the logos are in order.

You let out your notebook and took a note of the password, incase your masters going to lock it.

You dropped your bag, then took your phone out and then you take a picture of the wall where the logos are.

You were about to get your sketch pad when you noticed that there was something going on in the other sides of the walls.

When you touched it, you wipe your palm to the dust then you saw the unfamiliar letters then you pick up the garden scissors and cut the vines and leaves.

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