Chap. 34 - B.A.P Flashback

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Since the day B.A.P was doubting towards the guardians.

They began to search for them...

In the city and even the old records in their headquarters.

They also know about you. But yet, they are clueless on where you and your masters lives.

At the SIHI (Seoul's Immortal Hunting Institution) Building:

Today was a great day to B.A.P, they then searched...

"Argh! That thing should be in here!!"- Daehyun complained.

"I'm searching that file again and again in this closets! Aish!"- Yongjae said.

"No, we can find it. We just need to look at those closely."- Yongguk said.

"Aigo! It's not in here!! I'm tired of looking."- Zelo was now complaining.

They look and look, their room is actually messy due to this searching.

"I FOUND IT!!"- Jongup happily said as he found an old album.

"I found the box too!!"- Himchan said then he went down to the ladder.

"I also found the files!!"- Zelo spokes.

"Let's put all of the stuffs here. Careful, it was dusty."- Yongguk said.

When they placed it, they started to scan everything.

"Aha!"- Jongup said then he showed to it to his friends.

"Ahh...A perfect thing to remember everything from the past."- Himchan smiled.


15 years ago, there was Thanksgiving day in the families of B.A.P, they are all gathering in Himchan's mansion.

They are having a great time in the Thanksgiving, but... A bunch of mystical creatures appeared inside the mansion.

"What the heck it that?"- Himchan's father said.

"Honey! Run!"- Himchan's mother carried him.

"Jagiya, get the kids out of here, Let's go men!"- Jongup's father said then he held his gun.

All of the young B.A.P members was dragged away by their mothers and their fathers were inside the mansion fighting to the mystical creatures.

Then Himchan's mother along with the others went to the garadge.

"Mommy, why are we here?"- A young Himchan asked his mother.

"Zi Chan, are we really need to do this?"- Zelo's mother asked.

Himchan's mother then closes the door of the garage then she clicked something and it revealed an underground pass.

"Yes. Ji Hyun, let's go now. We need to help our husbands out there."- Zi Chan said then they walk down the the underground pass.

When they reached down, their mothers left them.

"Mommy, are you going back?"- a young Zelo asked.

"Yes. Stay here with your hyungs OK?"- his mother said then he kissed him.

"All you stay here. If ever we won't be able to come back, just used this."- Their mothers gave them a card, a swipe card.

"What is this mother?"- Yongjae asked.

"That is the swipe card to SIHI. It was the the key to enter that private institution. All of us worked there until now. All you have to do is go to that institution with the address on it at the back then show it to the guards or the inspection machine."- his mother said.

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