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I'm not sure which is worse; the fact that some people are so prejudiced and terrified that they do not trust anyone or that people abuse the trust some people have in others. It's an eternal circle of atrocity and mistrust.

Trust is a special thing. A special bond.
And it's a hard bond to make, but so easy to break.

If everyone just trusted each other.....I wonder what our world would be like.

I would assume there's no lying, because in order to trust you must have honesty.

And there would be equality because if you trust another person, you must respect them as well.

There would be friendship, because to trust someone completely takes time, and time and trust can form friendships.

There would be no need for violence because we all trust each other and with that trust comes honesty, respect, and friendship.

If everyone just trusted each me, it would be a better world.

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