1- Boxes, boxes and... dogs

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Whale Hello🐳
(this is my first ever book, please don't roast my ass)😂😭

The appeal of bad boys. ♥︎ ootd: outfit above

Chapter 1- boxes, boxes and... Boxes.
Kimberly POV☁️

I hate Monday's.

I hate Tuesdays.

And every other weekday...

But luckily for me... It's Saturday today!!!!
*Beep!beep! beep!
I was woken by the ever so 'lovely' sound of my stupid phone blaring out the sound of an alarm through its speakers.

Groaning, I furiously tapped the screen of my phone, hoping I would be able to turn this damn thing off... And I did it. Success!

Anyways... Completely utterly unsteady, I kicked the covers away, only to be greeted by a fresh wave of chills. Oh I would kill to stay in bed just for a few more seconds.

A few seconds won't hurt anyone, right?

I melted (not literally... Well obviously)back into my cosy and pleasant bed, my eye lids getting heavier each second...

"No no no!" I whined as I sat up remembering I had to get up at 7:00am on a freaking Saturday (may I add) because, from what I remember my parents wanted me and my  brother to help out our new neighbours with moving furniture and boxes from the truck. I'm pretty sure they moved in a few days ago, I'm guessing that they ordered their furniture and got it delivered to them today.

I don't get why they want me to help because honestly... I'm a weakling, I mean, my arms get tired just by putting my hair into a ponytail.

I heave myself off of my bed and land perfectly on my two feet... Well, by that I mean, I roll out of bed and land on my ass, Very hard.

Grunting, I push myself up and correct my balance.

I sluggishly walk over to my bathroom, I don't even bother looking in the mirror, knowing I'm just going to look like I fell down from the ugly tree and hit my face on every branch on the way down, What a terrible sight.

I striped off my clothes and hoped into the shower.

After a long hot shower I wrapped myself in a towel, I saw the steam blow off of my body like a stream and it started fogging up the mirror. Shit.

I quickly rushed to my room and went straight to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. (Outfit above)
Right after I put on some light makeup I swing my bedroom door open and was Immediately welcomed by being tackled to the ground by my dog.

Meet Prince... Yes, Prince. He's a Siberian Husky and he is literally the love of my life.

"Prince! You crazy boy" I laughed while he rapidly jumped around me. One thing about my dog, he is very and I mean VERY hype around anything the moves or breathes.

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