5- stuck in hell

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The Appeal of Badboys
Chapter 5- stuck in hell
Kimberly POV☁️
I heard it...
the sound I've been dreading to hear.

The deathly screech of my electronic alarm clock. I drearily came to. I felt an awareness, yup, I knew I was awake, though I didn't want to be.

My arm, controlled by instinct reached out and found the snooze button. My eyes stood fast, clamped shut. I thought for a moment that I might recover, that I might just slip back into the comfort of a dream, I could feel the comfort of silence overcome my body, then...Beep! Beep! Beep!

I let out a sigh and with a grunt, and a shuffling of blankets. My eyes were open, and I was ever so reluctantly awake.

My last year of high school. I'm sure I'll survive... who am I kidding, it's going to be like every other year, with the same bitches around, just looking to cause drama. High school was fine the first few days until girls started getting attached to my brother like magnets and soon after found out I was his sister, so I'm pretty much surrounded by fakes, except for Bree of course.

I stood up running my hands through my long hair which was as wild as the jungle at the moment. I walked over to my thick curtains that were coloured a deep red velvet and yanked them open, the sun pretty much blinding me in an instant.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the light I saw Ethan peacefully sleeping, obviously without a shirt... gosh.

I rolled my eyes and stuck the finger at him, even though he couldn't see me, I quickly ran to my bathroom and shut the door. God I'm so lame.

I looked at my reflection and winced. Ew, I'm glad he didn't see me.

I'm going to try and look at least a bit decent for my first day of school

After taking a warm shower and fixing my hair, I had to do the hardest task... finding an outfit.
After searching probably my whole closet I finally found something appropriate for the weather... it was January which meant winter, I personally love winter, like come on who does want to sit by the fire place, wrapped in blankets while drinking hot chocolate?
Anyways about my outfit, I decided on a grey cropped sweater and blue ripped jeans.

 it was January which meant winter, I personally love winter, like come on who does want to sit by the fire place, wrapped in blankets while drinking hot chocolate?Anyways about my outfit, I decided on a grey cropped sweater and blue ripped jeans

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One thing about my school is that nobody cares about dress code. Girls come to school in crop tops, highs heels... you name it and the teachers give zero flying fucks.

I swung my bedroom door open, expecting to see Prince, but nope, he wasn't there.

I dragged my feet down the steps not wanting to be awake right now.

Once I reached the bottom of the staircase I found Prince tackling and jumping around Jack, one of Julian's friends.

I small smile spread across my lips. This is adorable.

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