6- follow the leader

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The Appeal of Badboys

6- Follow the leader
Kimberly POV☁️
We all separated paths as we went to different classes, well apart from Jack who had math with me.

"Room 107A, where the hell would that be?" I sighed, and looked over at Jack. This school is huge and I haven't been in all the classrooms.

"That'll be upstairs" Jack grinned over at me. I don't get how Jack was so positive all the time, especially on the first day of school.
We make a left into another hall way and reach some stairs. Jack quickly hopped up the stairs skipping two at a time. How on earth to people even manage to do that, if I tried that I would probably get stuck in a position where I'm almost doing the splits.

"Slow down ball sack, oh my Jesus" I huffed as we reached the top of the stairs, well by that I mean Jack patiently waiting for my slow ass to get up the stairs.

"Alright, 103A, 105A" we paused in front of a door that read 107A. "Ah ha! Here it is" Jack shoved his hand in his pocket reaching around for something. He then pulled out his fake late pass. "Do you have yours?" He tilted his head over to me.

"Yup" I let out a small laugh. He pushed the door open until the room came into view. Everyone snapped there head towards us, including Mr Lec.

"Ahh, Jake and Beverly, late on the first day" Mr Lec sighed.

I looked over at Jack to see him with the same expression as me. Confusion. The class let out quiet laughs. You see, Mr Lec wasn't the best at remembering names.

"Here sir" Jack grabbed my pass and passed it to the teacher along with his. He examined it for a few seconds before looking up at us.

"You may be seated" he smiled at us. Wow Danny's fake late slips actually worked.
Jack and I walked over to the only two seats that were available and coincidentally they were in the same row. Thank god.

Jack sat beside me and on the other side of me was a boy with dirty blonde hair, I'm pretty sure his name was Wyatt, he's been in my class last year.

"Hi" I smiled at him.
"Hey Beverly" he laughed slightly and smiled. Aw his smile was adorable, how have I not noticed his smile before.
I laughed and shook my head before turning my attention back to the teacher.
"Beverly! Your turn to introduce yourself to the class" my eyes tore away from the small sketches I was drawing on my book and my gaze landed on Mr Lec, looking at me expectantly.

I cleared my throat, and sat up straights, everyone's eyes were on me now.
"Um hi, my name's Kimberly" I started, looking directly at the teacher when I said my name. Mr Lec scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as the whole class started laughing

"I have a twin brother, I love Oreos, I have a gorgeous husky named Prince and..." I tapped my chin not knowing what else to say. "Oh! And I have I really annoying neighbour, that just moved in" I shrugged.

"Interesting Kimberly" the teacher chuckled.
It's been about 20 minuets since class started and All I've been doing was staring at the clock, waiting for this period to finish. Beside me Jack was seconds away from falling asleep, his eyes shutting slowing.

"Kimberly Valadez, please report to the front office" the announcement echoed through the whole room. Everyone stared at me, god this is awkward... I slowly stood up with my books and my bag, walking towards the door.

"Go ahead Kimberly, if it takes you the whole period, I guess I will see you on Wednesday and Thursday" Mr Lec said, waving me off. Ew I have math on Wednesdays and thursdays too. I smiled politely before leaving the classroom.

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