Final Papers, Last Summer

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"Just one more minute and school is finally over for good!!!" She looked around, to see if anybody else was finished. "Oh of course Abbey finished it like an hour ago and probably will
A+ it." She looked in front of her and faced her friends brown pigtail. Abbey was one of the smartest girls in the class or even the whole Junior High, their school. "Pretty and smart, she'll do well in college." She thought smiling at her, but of course Abbey couldn't see her warm smile that made everyone happy when they see it, it wasn't often used by Lucy. She wasn't that of a happy kid. Not even smart as Abbey or pretty. "Hey Lucy!" A whisper made her jump as she was writing her name on the paper. She turns and faces a boy sitting next to her, his name was Jack, Jack North. Brother of Abbey. "Did you finish already?" He whispered to her, but the teacher sitting far away to his desk stopped him. Our school was pretty poor to buy those big rooms, with fancy seats and the big desks for the final exams before heading to college. So they just placed the 12 grade children in an 5 grade class full of drawings from small kids. "JACK!" The teacher shouted. "I am sorry Mr A" Jack pulled his seat in front and looked at his orange and white pencil case to avoid the angry eyes of the teacher. "I really want to tell Jack that I finished the paper, that I feel proud of how I did, that I was about to give the paper to Mr A." Lucy thought as she put her pencil down and stood up to give the exam paper to the teacher. "The exam final paper Mr A" Lucy placed the paper on his desk. She wasn't looking at his eyes, she didn't want to. She knew he would be disappointed or mad in any way for any reason. Thats how Mr A was always. On the first year when Jack was talking to Peter about a new video game, he got completely insane and sent him to detention. "But Mr Anderson, that isn't fair. I was talking too." Biggest mistake Lucy could ever do on the first day, because she got sent with Jack to detention for the first time all those years in that school. Detention was not really bad for Lucy nor Jack, that time of the year the principal and teachers don't really care about how you behave. But only your grades and how well you are prepared for college. Jack was really prepared for that, Lucy on the other hand wasn't. She wasn't ready, she wasn't ready at all to move on. Lucy hated changes and she wasn't the smartest in the class. "Thank you Ms..." Mr A stopped talking, he waited for Lucy to help him. "Evans" she finally raised her head pushing her short, violet hair in the back with her hand. She just stared with her wide brown eyes and then finally Mr A answered. "Huh...We correct now Ms Evans...Huh you'll see when you go to college Ms correcting the Professor." He looked at Lucy with his big wide black eyes. Lucy just kept staring at him, with an emotionless face. Like she was used to it. "I am sorry Mr Anderson" she lowered her head and turned to face her class. The teens stopped with their final exam and just stared at Mr A and Lucy, like they didn't knew where to look, him or her? She lowered her head again and walked back to her desk. She sat quietly on her seat and looked at Mr A already looking at her paper. She buried her face in her arms on the desk. "Hey...Lucy" she heard the whisper again. She turned her head on the side. She already felt her eyeliner getting destroyed by tears. She faced Jack. "What?" Lucy sniffed. "Its okay..." Jack said giving her a big silly smile and, again, successfully made her laugh.


"I don't understand why would he shout at you guys like that?" Abbey got really mad and started talking to Jack about it. "He has no rights at all to shout at Lucy like that, UGH God!" Abbey was a great friend. She cared about other people more than herself. She wished she somehow could give Lucy a hug or make her feel better in the exam, but she cared more about the grades. "Hey how about me? Aren't you mad of he shouted at me?" Jack pushed gently on her elbow as they walked down the stairs from the exam. "Well...nah you are my brother" she gave the push back. "Really though whats wrong with Mr A?" Abbey argued as they walked down the hall where the lockers were. "Hey Abbey, chill we are out of this school anyways, right when we walk out of this exact door." Jack pointed at the big main door of the Junior High school. "You are right Jack, but tell that to Lucy not me!" Abbey really didn't cared what was happening right now, if Mr A is in a shitty mood cause of a funeral or Lucy getting really depressed. Today was the last day of school, FOREVER! "Where's Lucy by the way?" Jack said after looking around. He thought he was walking with Lucy and where discussing why she doesn't have to be sad if the yelling in the final exams. "JACK! Are you deaf or something? She told us she forgot her pencil case in the class, she'll come in a minute I am sure." Abbey said actually waiting for Lucy to come back. "Aaaa great, she better hurry up!" Jack crossed his arms and made his frowned angry face. Abbey took out a phone and started scrolling through Instagram, trying to pass the time. "Great again with the electronics!" Jack tried to get her iPhone from her hands, but she held on to it like stone. "No wait, wait Jack!!! Okay okay I'll close it." She said suspiciously and closed the phone looking around if anyone saw. "Ugh weirdo" he crossed his arms again and she hit him hard on the stomach.

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