Top of the Tree

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"Goodbye Ms Evans" Mr A smiled at Lucy as she was exiting the class with her pencil case. She was with tears. As she walked in the hallway she wiped her lips with her hand and held her backpack and pencil case closer to her. "Why is everyone looking at me? I didn't do anything wrong this was the best thing to do!" Lucy thought with a panic as se stared at the kids that were walking in the opposite side of her. Lucy kept looking at them, in their eyes, she started panicking she felt her heart was racing as she got down the stairs. "They know, they know what I did! They think I am weird or a psycho!" She started panicking, sweating, shaking. She looked behind her, nobody, no student or anything. The dark hallway made her comfortable and then she turned again to finally exit the school, but got scared of Jack standing right opposites her face. "Hey Abbey!" He said. "A!! Jesus Christ Jack! Scared the crap out of me!!" Lucy looked around with a suspicious look. "Oh sorry Lucy." He laughed. "Not funny, guys" Lucy touched her heart to make sure everything was fine and it was her heart beat got normal and she felt a huge weight of stress and guiltiness leaving from her chest. "So got everything are we ready to finally leave?" Jack said with an excitement he couldn't wait. Lucy spotted Abbey doing something on her phone. "Hey Abbey what are you..." Lucy was about to touch her phone and immediately Abbey turned and put the phone in her purse. She hugged Lucy immediately after that. "It's ok, shhh" Abbey pat her on the back. "I am fine Abbey, really." Lucy pushed her away. Abbey was a really beautiful girl, she had small brown eyes shaped like diamonds, brown hair in a pigtail and rosy cheeks. She always gave a big smile to people, even if they were strangers on the street and that's what Lucy liked about her and was her best friend, they were so different. "Really?" She took her phone again. She couldn't live without it the past week. Nobody exactly knew why. "Of course, I" she stops and coughs. "Talked with Mr A" her voice became lower. Jack and Abbey just kept staring at her with a confusion. Lucy knew she had to break the awkward silence, she didn't want any questions after. "Um besides I have you guys!" Lucy hugged both of them and they all laughed. Lucy wasn't a hug person and that's why they were both so confused, but they let it past and got outside the school. Jack took a deep breath. "Finally! College!!" He yelled running along the grass. "Can't wait for college!!" Abbey shouted too. The only one that wasn't pretty sure of the idea was Lucy. She scratched the back of her head and gasped. "Come on Lucy, college!!!" Abbey took her arms and they both fell on the grass by accident. They both laughed. "Weirdos" Jack said climbing on the tree.
The courtyard of the school was big full of green. The grass looked really health and green. There were cars right outside that courtyard with streets and little houses, but the only thing that looked amazing there was the big old tree in the corner of the courtyard. Jack, Abbey and Lucy used to climb that tree every lunch time since 4 grade of Junior High. The courtyard was basically empty, because of the students and the teachers being in the announcements area. Which was basically boring speeches the principal Roberto and the teachers make up in the cafeteria. "College huh?" Lucy says it like a whisper. "Yeah...College" Abbey smiled and looks down the branch she was sitting on. Jack was at the lowest he didn't like heights at all and Lucy at the top. "Guys chill a bit." Jack relaxed his back lowering his position and placed one foot on the other and his hands behind his head. "Jacks right...Why would I be anxious and depressed about college it's a change right?" Lucy thought looking at the blue sunny sky. "They will surely go to college and will get their degrees...And I'll just sit here wait till my life ends and disappoint my parents..." She looked down the branch to see Abbey on her phone and Jack trying to stay in balance on the branch. "...Sorry mum...Sorry dad." A tear rolled down her face. The school bell rang. "SCHOOL FINALLY OVER !!!" Abbey and Jack both shouted.

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