Chapter Ten

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Arin's p.o.v

"You know, I can totally see the appeal now." I say out loud, looking at Mark, more like staring but whatever. "Of what?" Danny asks, looking down at the book in his lap.

"Mr. Sexy over there." I tease, wiggling my eyebrows. He chuckles and rolls his eyes, saving his place in his book and sighing, stretching his long arms above his head. My eyes distractedly studying him while he isn't paying attention. What? He's hot.

"Whatever, you ready for today?" Dan asks, standing up, holding a hand out for me. I grin cheekily and accept his hand, blowing my hair out of my eyes. "Mhm, better than the usual crap I hope." I say, walking with Dan.

"It's okay, I guess, not much to do today though." Dan says, scratching the back of his neck. "Hey Mark!" Dan says, waving as Mark turns to us. His eyes flash in fright then in anxiety, then back to his usual blank look.

"Hey Dan." He says, looking around then at the paper in his hands. "Um, if you could-", Dan interrupts him " The Arena?" Dan asks, Mark nodding in relief.

"Yeah man, follow us, we're going the same way...Everyone is actually." He says, gesturing for Mark to follow us, and he does so, if not a bit reluctantly.

"How you like it here so far?" Dan asks Mark, glancing over his shoulder at him. "Hm? Oh, it's fine." He says. I bite my lip and try to think of a conversation starter. God, I'm terrible at talking.

"So, Suzy said that you don't practice with everyone else." I start, cringing at my own choice of words. Am I trying to make this guy more nervous? He tenses up and I try to fix this entire mess, "Dude, its fine, Brian doesn't practice either." I reassure, "You guys are just keeping your badass powers to yourselves." Dan comments.

Mark chuckles softly, sounding slightly forced. "Something like that." Mark confirms. We stay silent until we get to the Arena, the area around it is crowded and loud. "We must be early." Dan mutters, "Arin! Dan! Oh, hey Mark." Felix pants, his brow sweaty as he leans over, out of breath.

"What's up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him as he gets over his windedness as soon as I say that. "Have you guys seen Cry?" He asks, Dan and I groan, Felix frowning at us. "He is still ignoring you?" I ask, shaking my head. It's been like a month, what the heck.

"Yeah.." Felix mutters, Mark clears his throat and starts to speak, "The guy with the white mask?" He asks hesitantly, Felix shaking his head frantically. "I saw him over there-" and that's all Mark needs to say, Felix bolting off, yelling a " Thank you!" As he leaves.

"Damn, those two are a hot mess." I say, Dan laughing and nodding. "Welp, let's go in, they're going to shut the doors soon." Dan says, walking to the entrance, the rest of the people outside apparently having the same thought as we all stream inside.

Mark stays with us, neither I or Dan commenting on it, finally the guys softening up. "Jesus fuck Brian!" Danny yelps, jumping back and clinging onto me as a cloud of smoke appears in front of him.

Brian chuckles quietly and eyes the two of us, Dan looking down at his hands which are tightly clinging onto my arm. "Oh, sorry man." Dan says quickly as he detaches himself from me.

"You are extremely jumpy." I observe, Dan's face dusted with red. "No I'm not, shut it." He says, defending himself. "Whatever man." I say, turning to the rest of the gigantic Arena.

"Barry, Ross!" I yell, interrupting whatever they where taking about, causing them to walk over to us. "Finally, we've been waiting fucking ages for you guys." Ross says, Barry rolling his eyes.

"Sup." A voice says next to me, making me jump a bit. "Cry, you dick, learn how to not do that." I say, his deep chuckles proving that he plans to do no such thing.

"Wait, if you're here then where's-" Dan starts, "Cry!" A high pitched squeal yells, the sound coming from a figure running full speed at Cry. "Fuck." He mumbles, bracing for impact.

"You dick bag, I have looked everywhere for you!" Felix shouts, crushing Cry into a hug and holding him slightly off the ground. "I've been in here all day." Cry mutters, his breath hitching when Felix puts him down, looking away in guilt.

Felix whispers into Cry's ear and he nods, looking away. "Why don't you ever do cute shit like that?" Ross says, gesturing to Felix as he looks at Barry. "Same reason no one likes you." Barry says.

"OHH BURN!" I yell, Dan trying to control his giggles, resulting in him almost doubling over in laughter. "Damn B." Dan comments, Ross glaring at all of us.

"What is that even supposed to mean." He mumbles, "It means you're an annoying little shit." Felix answers him, Cry humming in agreement. "But you love me~" Ross purrs, fluttering his lashes at Barry, who blatantly tries to ignore him.

Huffing, Ross gives up and scoots closer to Brian, nuzzling into his side. "Hey guys, sorry we're late, ta crowd swallowed us up." Jack interrupts, Suzy trailing a little behind him.

"Lucky too, doors closing." Cry says, jerking his head to the now closing doors. Kind of ominous, why are they closing them again? "So..why are we being locked in here?" I ask casually.

"So our powers don't fuck up what's out there." Ross explains, still cuddled up to Brian, who surprisingly, hasn't made him leave. In fact he kind of, let's him get closer. Oh, Brian has a soft spot for Ross, what a fucking twist.

"It's still creepy, I mean, they're locking us in here." Suzy says, looking at the shut doors skeptically. "Eh, you get used to it, this whole place is more or less a prison." Dan says, causing all of us newbies, Felix, Barry, Suzy, and I to be stunned silent.

The only newbie that isn't like that is Mark, and honestly I forgot he was there, but he simply takes that new information like he already had some clue as to what Dan is talking about. Well fuck.

"Let's sit down...away from this crowd." Cry pipes up, looking around with his shoulders bunched, his body tense as he scans the crowd.

"Mhm, over here." Dan says, even though Brian is leading the way. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jack drift subtly to the back of the group, almost shoulder to shoulder with Mark. That sneaky fucker.

We find some open space in the far left corner, random scanners are placed every where, ready to be used when needed. "Hey, uh, Barry?" Cry says, glancing at the scanners. "Yeah?" "If you don't mind, can you look to see if these have..microphones. It wouldn't be pretty if we continue talking and these things pick it up." He explains.

Barry nods and hovers a hand over the nearest scanner, a jolt of electricity moving from his palm into the scanner. His face blanks, his eyes turning far away and hazy as he continues to hover his hand over the scanner.

He breaks out of the trance and shakes his head, "We're good." He says, and we take that as a cue to sit or stand where ever we want to near the corner, huddling in for what appears to be story time as Dan looks over us and nods to himself.

I, myself, glance across the group and see everyone looking eagerly at Dan, well at least the newbies. Even Mark, as stoic as he can be, looks curious to find out what Dan has to say.

This should be good. And if not? Well, this place might get a hell of a lot more interesting.

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