Chapter 11- Guilty

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A/N- I know that yesterday you might've gotten a nonfiction that I updated this chapter, but I accidentally pressed published and I wasn't even half way done with the chapter.

It's four'o clock and I'm currently lying in bed deciding if I should get up and shower or wait till the last minute to get ready. But I'm too tired to even move a muscle.

If I get up and shower now I'll take my sweet time to get ready. I'll still have enough time lie back down in bed. But then I won't want to get back up.

If I wait till the last minute. I'll be in a hurry and forget to do something and won't have time to lie back down in bed.

The first option sounds better. I swing my legs over the bed groaning at how tired I am. And I haven't even done anything yet!

Stripping off my clothes I step into the shower. The warm water travels down my skin making my tense muscles relax. It's been so stressing these past few weeks, but with my friends it makes it less stressing. Well a little.

I feel really bad for what I did to Liam. It's not like we're dating or anything, but I know that I acted like a hoe in a way. Do I regret kissing Ryder? Nope. Do I regret doing it in such situation? Yea.

Although Liam and I aren't dating I shouldn't have betrayed him like that. We have feelings for each other, and me kissing my ex-fiancé the day they got into a fight made it seem like I was just playing with his feelings. And I don't want him to feel that way. He's been there for me so many times. He's great to Rose treating her like his own child. He's sweet, funny, and hilarious.

But the only bad thing is that I think I'm falling for him, but how can I fall for him, when I still love Ryder?

Honestly, I don't know how to answer that question, because I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

I quickly wash my hair and scrub my body. I rinse my hair out and wash my body. Turning the shower off, I wrap a towel around my body and hair. Just as I walked out my bathroom my bedroom door flew open.

"Nichole—" I scream and accidentally drop my towel. Ryder just stands there gaping at me.

"Stop staring at me you perv!" I shout and quickly pick up the towel wrapping it around my body tightly.


"Do you not know how to knock or something?!" I yell angrily.

"Well you should've locked you door." He snaps.

"It's my house, meaning your a guest and I can kick you out. So...GET OUT!" I shout.

"I'm good here." He says leaning against the doorframe.

"Ryder I fucking swear if you don't get your ass out of my room." I warn.

"I'm not in your room. I'm technically outside your room." He smirks.


"Nichole." He mocks.

"Jesus Christ, help me do something I won't regret." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks holding a hand to his ear. I flip him off and walk over to my closet. I pull out my undergarments, blue button down shirt, and my black leggings.

Running into my bathroom, I quickly change and brush my hair out. I decide to let it down and air dry. I do my makeup as fast as I can; eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and red lipstick. Satisfied that I was able to look good and such short amount of time. All I need are my shoes.

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