Chapter 23- I'm alive!

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The sounds of machines beeping and people arguing woke me up. I wonder how long I've been out?  

"No you stupid piece of shit, I'm better than you in every way!" I heard Ryder shout, I recognized his voice.

"We both know that's not true. At least I have Nichole." What the fūck I'm not property. I will beat you Liam.

"Well she told me she loves me, did she ever tell you she loves you?!"

"Idiots." I mumble under my breath as I try sitting up on the bed. No one noticed, because they were too busy arguing.

"Can y'all shut the hell up? I have a headache and my whole fucken body hurts. I'll gladly appreciate it." I shout as loud as I can to stop their bickering.

All of the shouting and bickering stopped as soon as they heard my voice. Their heads snapped towards my direction causing me to almost laugh at how astonished they looked.

"Nichole! You're awake!" They shout.

"Nah really, I thought I was dead." I said sarcastically. The atmosphere changed almost immediately as they coughed awkwardly. There's something they're hiding.

"What? Why the sudden mood change?" I ask.


"I died, didn't I?" I ask dreading the answer. When they didn't respond I got my answer.

It's weird how I actually died, but I'm still here. From now on, not only will I appreciate my life, but appreciate the people in it. Maybe that's why my mom was acting all weird, but wait was that a dream or was it real? Maybe I actually did go to heaven.

"Well I'm glad I'm alive." I say grinning. They smile at me glad to see me smile again.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Oh my god! My baby! My beautiful Rose!

"Rose." I say as soon as I see her. Lauren lays her next to me carefully.

I hug her tightly as tears stream down my face. God how much I miss her. My baby is alive and safe and that's all I needed to know. That's why I fought and always will.

"I missed you." I whisper in her ear. She smiles widely at me, showing me her little teeth. She kisses me on both cheeks mumbling a cute "I love you".

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks.

"Honestly?" I ask and he nods.

"I feel like shit, I look like shit, and I know I'm shit. The point is, that everything is—"

"—shit." My dad finishes for me chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, life sometimes treat you like shit." My dad says giving me a sympathetic smile. I return him small smile of my own.

"Hey babe, feeling better?" Liam asks drawing out the word babe. I swear these guys are killing me.

"Yeah, um can I talk to you for a second, alone." I say waiting for everyone to leave. As soon as everyone is out of sight and hearing I face Liam with a sympathetic smile.

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