Chapter 16- So stupid

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  The wind howled in my ear as I ran past the trees and bushes. It's then I realized I left my phone in my room. Dammit, I'm to far from home now. There's no point in going back, or is there? My dad might come home any minute now, and I can't risk to blow up the plan. Which took me three hours to think of.

  As soon as I got to the park, I looked around to make sure no one follows.

"Long time no see." The voice sent shivers down my back, but I refused to show any weakness. 

"Cut the shit Fiona, where's Rosebelle?" I ask my voice coming out strong and determined.

"Mommy?! Mommy?!" I heard Rosebelle shout from behind Fiona.

"Baby?!" I shout as she ran into my arms. I twirled her around hugging her tightly, afraid of letting her go.

"I'm sorry." I kept repeating in her ear. I let out a sob as she started crying.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I say hugging her tighter.

"Me too." She said in her cute adorable voice.

"Did she hurt you?" I ask checking her body for any bruises. She shook her head, but frowned and looked ahead of me. I frowned at her and was about to ask her what's wrong, but Fiona interrupted me.

"Good night Nichole." Fiona waved smirking. Before I could register what the hell she was talking about. An arm wrapped around me keeping me in place, while a hand covered my mouth. I tired not to breath in the drug, but failed as soon as Fiona took Rosebelle from my arms.

  How could I be so stupid?

"Mommy! Mommy!" Rosebelle shouted reaching out to grab me.

  I tried screaming and kicking, but my body felt weak. The last thing I remember was trying to take out the pocket knife, but failed as I felt darkness consuming over me and the sound of the metal clashing to be ground.

~Ryder's POV~

"Logan shut the hell up!" I shout covering my ears. Logan sings louder as Sebastian and Juily laugh.

"Is it too late to say sorry!" Logan sings off pitch.

"Yes, yes it is." I say punching him on the shoulder. He yelps in pain and I chuckle.

"Idiots." I hear Juily mumble.

"Tell me, about me." I hear Sebastian say to Juily. He looked at her and starts leaning in to kiss her.

"Sebastian! Eyes on the rode!" Logan shouts interrupting their moment.

  How I wish it was Nichole and I sharing a moment like that? If only—

  My phone started ringing in my pocket and I took it out. Looking at the caller screen I saw it was Carlos, Nichole's dad.

"Ryder is Nichole with y'all?" Carlos asks in a panicking tone.

"No, why?" I ask. I

"Fuck!" He cursed out loud.

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