Chapter 27- Old friend my ass

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(So if y'all remember this is where I messed up so just go along with it)

"I love you." I say smiling at her.

"I love you t—"

She was rudely intrurruped by someone clapping.


"How sweet is that." A feminine voice says sarcastically.

"I love you. I love you too." She mimics.

Nichole and I turn around, seeing the one person who ruined our wedding.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Nichole coldly says.

~Nichole's POV~

"What the hell are you doing here?" I question coldly. Nobody invited her so why is she here? And who let her in?

"Nice to see you too, Nichole." She says smiling sarcastically.

"I can't say the same." I resort.

"Calm down Nichole, I just came by to congratulate." She says with her fake bitch smile.

"Cut the crap, Ruby. Why are you here?" I question motioning my hand for her to go on.

"Can't I visit an old friend." She laughs.

"Old friend my ass." I roll my eyes.

"Like I said, I just came by to congratulate. Hopefully your marriage won't last." She says.

At this I laugh out loud. "Oh Ruby, still the same old bitchy Ruby. Some thing's never change." I say pausing to catch my breath.

"Ruby honey, just accept the fact that you can't break us apart. You might have managed to do it the first time, but you won't do it again." I say.

"That's what you think, but I'd watch my back if I were you." She smirks.

"And I'd watch my mouth if i were you, you wouldn't want all your teeth to be knocked down, would you?" Juily steps in.

"I'd like to see you try." Ruby challenges. Juily steps forward, and I watch as Ruby cowers back. As Juily is about to raise her hand, Sebastian pulls her back.

"Ay ay ay ay." He says holding her in place.

"You might want to hold your bitch down." Ruby says to Sebastian. Sebastian growls letting Juily go. Juily's lungs at Ruby and slaps her across the face.

"I've beat you before, and I'll do it again. Now get the fuck out of here." Juily snarls. Ruby holds her stinging cheek and straightens herself out.

"I'll get you back, I'll get all of you back, and when I do. You'll see what I'm made out of—" She says.

"of shit." I finish the sentence smiling falsely.

"Ive warned you." She said pointing at me. As she heads out the door, I stop her.

"And Ruby?" I say. She stops and turns around.

"What?" She snarls.

"You might want to take all that make up off if you don't want to be confused for an ugly clown." I smirk. She rolls her eyes flipping me off as she exits the hospital room.

Wow. Never thought I'd see that bitch again.


After Ruby left, everybody else did too. My dad dismissed everyone and we didn't speak a word of what happened. I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared of Ruby's threat, because honestly I kind of am. She's managed to break my relationship once, what makes me think she won't do it again. She won't stop until she gets what she wants. She's kind of like Amanda back in high school.

I've tried to get my mind off of it, but it's hard. I know I'm stupid for letting it get to me, but I can't help it. Every time I think of it, it makes me anxious and angry. How can one person get the best of me? Especially her threats?

So here I am sitting in the hospital bed, trying my best to sleep. Rosebelle lies next to me sleeping peacefully. Her quiet snores are the only thing calming me down. Ryder left a little while ago, to take a shower and change.

Ruby's words kept ringing in my ears. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't. With a huff, I closed my eyes and thought of all the good memories I've had with Rose and Ryder.

I thought of the day she was born and how happy we were. I though of the first time he proposed. I even thought back to our high school senior year. The first time we kissed. The first fight we had. And finally the time we confessed our love for each other.

How could I be so stupid and let Ruby get in between us? I won't let that happen to us, not again. In a relationship you fight for your love, and you never once doubt it. You surmount ever obstacle that comes your way. You fight together, and stick through thick and thin.

I won't let her threats get to me. They're meaningless, she's only trying to taunt me. She wants to see how far she can get under my skin, but I won't let her. I'll fight her if I need too.

He's my man, my mate, my other half, and I won't let her get in between us again. I'm determined to fight for us just like he has. I won't back down, I'll show her whose the boss.

Finally able to fall asleep, I lay down and hold Rosebelle close to me. Just as I was about to close my eyes, Rosebelle started crying.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She cried out shaking her head. What's going on? Why is she yelling? Then it clicked. She's having nightmares.

Small and not like I promised, but I'll try updating twice a day. Anyways my braces don't hurt at least not really badly and I can't eat takis so that's a tragedy.

Anyways love y'all and comment how you found my books. I really want to know.



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