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~12 years later~

The last 12 years have been a lot. A year after we got married, Ruby passed away of cancer. I think it hit Juily the most, because they had gotten really close. In memory of Ruby they named their daughter Jenna Ruby Brown.

Asher and Mason married to their girlfriends a month after Juily's wedding. I still wonder why they took so long.

And you guys won't believe who got married after collage—Logan and Lauren. They now live happily with twins, Lilly and Leía. Who are quite a handful.

Liam moved to Hollywood after his sister's marriage and now is a huge success along with his wife Ana who is part of the music industry.

My father wasn't able to re-marry. He said that he wanted to stay loyal to my mother. Even though I tried convincing him to move on. He didn't change his mind and I didn't have much choice, but to stop.

So far, life has been treating us all so well and we couldn't be any happier.

"Mommy, Nick is being mean twhoo me." Lizbeth my five year old daughter said pulling on my shirt.

"Nick! Come down here." I sighed.
I heard him sigh and run downstairs.

"Yes mom?" Nick my 9 year old son asked.

"What did I say to you about being nice to your sister?" I said to him.

"But she said she was going to stick the lego up my butt if I didn't let her play." He whined.

"She what?!" I shouted surprised. Ryder started laughing and I glared at him. This caused him to stop and cover it with a cough.

"Liz baby don't ever say that. That's a very very very mean thing to say. Don't ever say anything you hear your dad and Uncle Logan say, okay?" I said kneeling to her level.

"Okay mommy." She said kissing my cheek and running up stairs in her princess dress. Nick ran up behind her yelling something about legos.

I slowly turn around to face my husband. "Ryder, seriously?" I ask placing a hand on my hip.

"Honey I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"Sorry my ass." I roll my eyes.

"You do have a nice ass." He smirks.

"Um dad, can you please not say that while your daughter is present." Rosebelle my 14 year-old daughter said.

"What? Can I not appreciate your mother?" He asks.

"Not while I'm here. It's weird." She says.

"Oh but it's not weird when you talk to your boyfriend." Ryder argues.

Rosebelle huffs stopping like a little girl. "He's not my boyfriend." She whines.

"Mhmm, that's why you're always laughing and smiling at your phone." He rolls his eyes.

"Hehehehe, Joel you're so funny." Ryder pretends to mimic Rose in a high pitch voice.

"Mommmmmmm, tell dad to stop bothering me." She whines.

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