Chapter 1

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I'm not a religious or spiritual person, In fact there's not much I believe in at all but If there's one thing I do believe in within the depths of my soul, its that certain people are meant to find us. They're meant to come into our lives when we least expect it and save us; maybe from a situation, or someone else, maybe from ourselves. Who knows why or when it happens, I think that's all a mixture of fate and pure dumb luck but no matter what, they're bound to find us, and when they do, our worlds will never be the same.

I watch the fog come from the steaming cup of coffee in my hands as I walk down a street in chilly downtown London. I look around at everything and still can't believe that I'm here. It's been a year since my cousin, Claire and I moved from the states and sometimes, especially moments like right now, it still doesn't feel real. It's always been a dream of mine to live in in the UK. So Claire and I both worked two jobs and saved every little penny we could until we were finally able to afford plane tickets. We found a small, cheap apartment right in the heart of the city. It's been home for us ever since, and I couldn't been happier.

I pull my coat a little closer to me as I continue walking home from my job at the library. It wasn't more than a 10 minute walk from work and uni to home so I walked most days. I could never get enough of seeing the city.

"Claire?" I call into the dimly lit apartment as I shut the door and flick the light switch on.

"In here." She yells out to me from her room.

I set my bag down and take my shoes and coat off before heading down the hallway to the second door on my right.

"Hey, what are you up too?" I ask her when I see her attention was fixated on her laptop.

"I'm in a contest to win tickets and meet and greet passes to see 5 Seconds Of Summer and they're about to reveal the winner." She squeals, her eyes never leaving the screen.

"You don't really think you're gonna win do you?" I can't help but laugh at how serious she was being. Although I shouldn't be surprised, she was always doing crazy stuff like this.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do." She shoots me a glare.

"Hey don't let me discourage you." I hold up my hands defensively before going to change into some comfier clothes.

Claire was 4 years younger than I am, but growing up without any siblings, the two of us have always been super close. She's my best friend.

I slip on some sweatpants and an oversized jumper before throwing my unruly blonde hair up in a messy bun. I was just about to order some takeout when I hear a blood curdling scream. I run to see what the problem was when Claire comes busting out of the room with tears in her eyes and a huge smile across her face.

"I won. I won, I won!" She yells jumping up and down.

"You won? No way?" I look at her like she was crazy. There was no way she actual got those tickets.

"Look, Claire Burnett from London is our 96.5 radio winner." She points and shows me, practically hyperventilating.

"Holy shit, you won." I shake my head in disbelief. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled for her, this was her favorite band and I knew how bad she wanted it, I just couldn't believe the odds.

"There's two tickets you have to come with me." She says as she gives me a bear hug.

"Claire..." I protest. Concerts just weren't my thing. I didn't like all the people, and music was never particularly something I was that interested enough in.

"El, come on..." She starts to plead with me.

"Can't you ask Sydney or Maddie to go?" I ask trying to find anyone else to take this spot instead of me.

"They're both going to be out of town that day."

"I think I have a test..." I was attempting every excuse I could think of.

"Its a Saturday. No school." She gives me this huge grin like she knows I have no other choice.

"Please, please pleas-" She starts to beg but I stop her before she goes as far as getting on her hands and knees.

"Fine." I roll my eyes as I reluctantly agree.

"Oh my god, thank you, I love you so much, you're the best big cousin ever..." She rambles happily.

"You're so lucky I love you." I giggle at her reaction.

"Now we need to start planning what were gonna wear, oh my gosh, we have to go shopping for new outfits and I got to figure out all the details..." She trails off, going back to her bedroom to figure everything out.

I roll my eyes and try to convince myself that its not going to be as bad as I'm making it out to be.

I mean, who the hell knows, this might just end up being an adventure I'll never forget.

A/N: First chapter of my newest Calum fanfic. I hope you guys enjoy it. Remember to vote and comment if you do. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome. Xoxo, San

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