Chapter 5.

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We pull up to the address that Luke texted to Claire a little before eight. Making us a few minutes early but judging by all the cars already lined up in the driveway, the party started long ago.

We tip the taxi driver and head up the walkway. People piling inside already. Music blaring from the windows.

Their house was ridiculously huge. Exactly what you would expect from the members of worlds hottest up and coming band. I wasn't surprised in the slightest.

Luke was by the front door with Ashton and Michael, greeting people as they walked in. Calum nowhere in sight. Good, maybe I won't have to see him after all.

"You made it." Luke's eyes light up when he first catches glimpse of Claire.

"Of course." She goes over and pecks him quickly on the lips.

"Nice to see you again, Ellie right?" He turns his blue eyes to me.

"Yep, and nice to see you too, fully clothed this time." I grin as his face turns red.

"Dude, so you really weren't lying." Ashton says trying to contain himself.

"I cannot believe you did that bro." Michael snickers.

They both shake their heads at him with laughter.

"I'm kidding. Don't worry about it Luke. " I giggle at the embarrassed boy before me.

The guys continue to tease Luke for a couple minutes before he and Claire decide to go get some drinks and mingle. Leaving me awkwardly standing there alone.

I make my way through the
crowd, hoping to find a quiet area to read. After searching all the rooms on the first floor, I give up and head to the second level, which seemed to be less noisy and hectic.

After a walking in on a couple of people doing the nasty, I was hesitant to check any more rooms. Well on the bright side, at least it wasn't my little cousin this time.

There was one more door I hadn't checked at the end of the hall. I slowly peek in to make sure nobody was naked, and luckily, it was empty. Nobody in sight.

This one was different then all the others though. Dark grey walls with different band posters covering the entire room, along with records lining up the shelves by the dresser. Not entirely clean but rather neat for a guys space.

I lay down on the bed and start in on the next chapter. Everything around me fading away so its just me and the words on the pages.

I was so wrapped up in my book that I never noticed my eyes starting to become heavy.

My heart drops when I feel an unfamiliar strong arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

I let out a scream and jump up, finally remembering I went to that party with Claire last night. My eyes nearly popping out of my head when I look over to see a shirtless Calum staring right at me.

"Why are you here? Oh my god, we didn't? " I barely form the words as my mind begins to race. I didnt drink anything so I should remember what the hell happened yet I was drawing a blank.

"Well this is MY room, and no, you were passed out. Call me crazy but I happen to like my sexual partners awake." He winks at me sarcastically.

"God, why didn't you wake me up, at least told me to get on the floor or something." I feel a little better hearing him confirm that I still had my virginity intact, even if he was a smartass about it.

"You looked really peaceful...and while I am an asshole, my parents did raise me with a little respect." He yawns.

I looked at the ground to keep myself from gawking at his bare tattooed chest, that if I'm being honest, was really fucking hot. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe.

"Well...I'm sorry for intruding on your personal space, I was just looking for a place to read." I try and explain myself as I gather my things and practically bolt to the door.

"And I'm sorry for unawaringly cuddling with you?" He jokes, his chocolate eyes looking right into mine and I can't help but laugh.

"It's okay." I giggle.

I just fucking giggled at Calum hood. What in the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm gonna go find my cousin now..." I awkwardly run a hand through my messy bed hair.

"Luke's room, in case you were wondering." He smirks.

"I would have never guessed!" I give him a shock look before we both laugh again.

I reach for the door when I hear him do that fake cough thing people do when they want to get your attention.

"Wait, I, Ummmh...I just wanted to say sorry for what happened at the concert." His voice was low but I heard every word said.

I don't know what to say or how I should react so I just smile and nod, shutting the door quickly behind me.

That was so weird. This whole situation was just extremely weird.

"Hey, we wondered where you ran off too last night." I snap my head around to face Michael who was standing there with a smug smirk on his face.

"This isn't what it looks like." it took me a minute before I realized he had seen me sneaking out of Calum's room.

"Hey no judgment here, Luke and Claire are downstairs eating breakfast." He chuckles, holding his hands up defensively.

"Thanks." I mumble, setting off to find the kitchen.

I didn't even drink last night and my head was pounding.

I needed to get out of here, and I needed to do it fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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