Chapter 3.

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"You sure you're good? You look a little...just not really here. " This is the third time Claire has asked me if I was okay today, and even though I knew she meant well, I was getting annoyed. I was fine. My mind was just a little preoccupied. At least that's what I kept telling myself.

Truth is, ever since the concert last weekend, I couldn't stop replaying the events from that night in my head. All I seemed to think about was Calum. It didn't help that now Luke and Claire were texting, which was distracting in itself. Seriously, Its like no matter what I do, his face it right there in my mind. Etched in my brain forever. Not that I minded too much, I mean he was ridiculously attractive. That's the other thing that was bothering me. There was nothing about him I liked so why the hell was I so drawn to him?

"Earth to Elliott?" Claire waves a hand by my face, snapping me from my neverending thoughts.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I smile, hoping she doesn't question why I was so distracted.

"I said that I'm going home to change, Luke and I are going on our first date, well we're hanging out alone, which is technically a date, right?" She nervously rambles.

"First, calm down. Just have fun and don't think to much." I reassure her, trying to hold in a giggle.

"You gonna stick around the mall a little longer?" She asks, juggling her 3 bags and cinnamon pretzel.

"No, but I do think I'm gonna stop and get a latte, maybe walk around the park. I need some fresh air. Clear my head."

She raises an eyebrow like she knows something is off but doesn't push the issue any further. "Alright but are you sure y-"

"Yes, I'm fine. Now go before you're late. Call if you need me." I hug her and force her on her way.

"Love you " She starts to walk away.

"Wear my new tan sweater that goes with that cute aztec print tanktop you have. Love you too." I call out making her smile. I knew she was leaving our mini girls day early because she couldn't think of anything to wear. She worries about those things too much. Must be a family trait.

I start off in the direction of my favorite coffee shop. Lolita's Café. Ever since Ive moved here its been my go to place when I want to get away. It was a small hole in the wall place that most people skipped over, but that's what I adored about it. Like my own little hidden gem. Plus their coffee is amazing. Starbucks doesn't even come close to comparing.

"Ellie, How are you today?" The bright eyed young cashier greets me when she sees me walk through the wooden door. Her name was Melanie. She was nice, and smart. We had some of the same classes at Uni together. We were friendly but not really friends. 

"Hey Mel, I'm doing good. How are you?" I give her the best smile I could as I reach the counter.

"Great! Did you finish the Quiz for Cultural Studies?"

"Yes, it wasn't too bad, you'll do great!" I reassure her, the look on her face changing from concern to relief.

"Thank god...The usual? Medium Caramel latte, extra whip cream" Thankfully she switches the conversation back to the reason I was here, coffee.

"Yep." I tell her digging through my wallet for the exact change.

I place the 4.25 in her hand and scoot down as I feel another customer come in line. Mouthing a quick thank you and smile.

I grab the hot cup and find my regular spot in the back of the building away from everyone else. Pulling out a book out of my bag, I start in on my current read. A memoir of a girl who was held captive. Dark, but I can't help but somehow I relate. Not in the physical sense, obviously but sometimes I feel like I'm a prisoner of my own mind. Held captive by the thoughts that haunt me.

My head shoots up when an unfamiliar presence slides into the booth next to me. What the hell?

"My name is Calum hood, you probably don't know who I am but I think the group of girls over at the register recognized me from my band and it would really help me out if you could just pretend we're together so they'll leave me alone." His words come out as a rushed whisper. My eyes widen in realization.

I came here to get away from my thoughts of him, and now here he is just sitting at my table. Out of all the coffee shops in London he just had to come into the exact one I was at. Why?

"I know who you are." I mumble softly. Not sure yet if I want to be a bitch and blow his cover.

"Oh shit." He curses under his breathe when he finally gets a good look at me.

"You." He groans.

"You." I mock his annoyed tone.

"Listen, I'm not trying to argue with you again, I just want a peaceful cup of coffee." Something in his eyes pleaded with me.

"Whatever. Just...don't talk to me." I roll my eyes, deciding to let him stay. I hate to say it but I was actually feeling a bit sorry for him.

"Fine." He agrees as he pulls out a small black tattered  notebook. 

We both sit in silence for I don't even know how long before I finally stop scanning the pages and look up at the clock. Holy shit, I've been reading for two hours. Not that I'm surprised, I tend to get lost in the pages.

Calum was still writing, his head down low as he gracefully moves the pen from left to right. I notice him bit his lip when he was in deep thought, a look of concentration across his tan face, his big dark eyes never leaving the paper.

I should probably stop staring now.

I start to get up, putting my book away and empty cup in the trash before heading for the door.

"Hey...wait..." I turn around to see Calum rushing over to me.

"What?" I snap. I didn't want to make conversation. I just wanted to go home, take a nice warm bubble bath and relax. I wanted to get away from him.

"Thank you, for letting me be normal for a couple hours. It was cool of you, especially since I know you're not my biggest fan." His voice was low but the words were laced with gratitude and sincerity.

"No problem. " I was a little taken back by his words. He was such an asshole at the meet and greet yet the guy standing in front of me couldn't have been any different.

"Bye." He scratches the back of his neck and sets off down the street.

Leaving both my heart and mind going a mile a minute.

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