Meeting the new member of the family

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Riele prov.
It was August 13. I was in my bed when my water broke.
Jace: why is the bed wet??
Riele: my water broke ( breathing in pain)
Jace: OMG lets get to the hospital. I will pack the stuff.
Riele: ok. OWWW she says.
Jace puts the stuff ready for the hospital. He can back with the stuff and I realized than Ethan had woke up.
Ethan: mommy are u ok ?
Riele: yeah baby. OWWW
Jace: Your going with your aunt Reiya and she will bring you to the hospital later ok??
Ethan: ok daddy. Love you😘
Jace: Love you too😘
Ethan: feel better mommy. Love you😘
Riele: love you too baby😘OWWW!!!
Reiya took Ethan stuff with her to her house. We wave bye.
In the car.
Riele are we almost there
Jace:yes we are just arrived
Jace prove
We arrived at the hospital and Dr. Gracie came to us
Dr. Grace: ok Riele your room is all ready.
Riele: thank you. OWWW.
I wheeled Riele in the wheelchair and when we got to the room I put her in the bed.
2 hour later
Dr. Gracie: ok Riele your 5 cm away would you like the epidural now or no?
Riele: no thank you I never took the epidural with Ethan so I don't want it.
Dr. Gracie ok I will be back and you will push out your baby girl.
Jace: thanks( dr. Gracie leaves) are you sure you don't want the epidural?
Riele:yes I'm sure.
Jace: ok. I love u so much.
Riele: me OWWW too.
Jace kisses Riele sweaty forehead.
2hrs later
Jace prov
2 hrs later the doctor came in because Riele was full 10 cm so that means she can start pushing.
Dr. Gracie: ok Riele we are going to do 2 practice pushing ok??
Riele: ok. (Riele said that out of breathe.)
Dr. Gracie: ok ready and 1...2...3 push.
She push and she took a breathe.
Dr. Gracie: ok last one are you ready and 1...2...3 push
She shock her head and push and took a breather again.
Dr. Grace: ready to do the really pushes?
Riele shook her head and on the count of 3 she start push hard as she can and took a breathe and count of 3 she pushed again and took a breathe.
Dr. Gracie: oh come on Riele I can see the head.
She pushes and squeeze my hand and we heard a cry.
Dr. Gracie: congratulations it's a baby girl.
Dr. Gracie ask Jace to cut the umbilical cord and when he did then she started cry harder. Dr. Gracie washed off Elaina and handed her to Riele.
Riele: aww my baby girl. I'm your mommy and that your dad and we are going to protect you
Jace: yup we are going to protect you forever. Your my beautiful daughter. (The Picture at the bottom)

 (The Picture at the bottom)

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Dr. Gracie: did you pick a name??
Jace: yes her name is Elaina Nevaeh Norman
Dr. Gracie: aww it's a cute name.
Riele: thank you. 
Dr. Gracie: well you can come out tomorrow. I have to go now bye
Riele and Jace say goodbye and Dr. Gracie left.
After that I was going make Riele take a nap
Jace: here I Riele I take care of her why you take a nap.
Riele yeah maybe I will because she was born at 8:30 in the morning and she weighted 5 lbs and 10 oz.
Jace: yup. She did. Have a nice nap.
Riele: thanks.
Riele prov
I was taking a nap when I heard Elaina cry. Then a nurse came in the room.
Nurse: hi my name is Isabela but you can call me Bela. I'm am your lactating nurse.
Riele: oh hi I'm Riele and this is my husband Jace
Jace: hi
Bela: have you lactated before??
Riele: yes.
Bela: so you know how breastfeed?
Riele: yup I do.
Bela: ok well my job her is finish.
Riele laughed
Bela: well I better get going bye
Jace and Riele wave bye. Riele took Elaina and feed her. She hooks her on her breast.
Jace: she eats so well.
Riele: yeah she does.
After Riele finish feeding her, she burped her and changed her into the cutest little outfit ever (this is the outfit)

 After Riele finish feeding her, she burped her and changed her into the cutest little outfit ever (this is the outfit)

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Then she gave her to me and Elaina smiled at me and clothes her eye.
30 mins later
Riele prov
It's 12:30pm and i was hold my baby girl, so I decided text my sister Reiya to bring Ethan to meet his new baby sister and she text back say "ok". 
1 hour later
I heard a knock at the door and it opened. It was Reiya and Ethan.
Ethan: daddy. ( he run to him and gave him a big hug).
After he run to Jace he run to me.
Ethan: mommy is that my baby sister??
Riele: yup
Ethan: aww see so cute.
Jace: I know right.
Reiya: well I better get going I have to go to work. Congratulations again. Bye.
Jace and Riele say goodbye and Reiya leaves the room. 
Jace prov
It now 2:30 and my family is her to see Elaina. I heard a knock at the door and my mom and dad come in.
Mrs. Norman: hi Jace and Riele
Jace: hi mom and hi dad
Riele: hi Mr. and Mrs Norman. How are u??
Mr. Norman: we're good.
Mrs. Norman: can I hold her??
Riele: yes u can. Here you go. ( Riele handing her the Elaina.)
Mrs. Norman: she so cute. What's her name??
Jace: Elaina Nevaeh Norman.
Mr. Norman aww a cute name for a cute baby girl.
Riele: thanks
6 hours later
Mr. Norman: We best be going. Here you go Jace. ( he hand him Elaina.) well bye.
Riele says bye and starts to crying.
Jace: why are u crying?
Riele: because I missed my mom and dad. I can't believe that they died. They did even get to see Ethan or Elaina.
Jace: I know but the are in heaven now watching you.
Riele: I guess your right. I will love you forever Jace😘. (She said kissing his hand.)
Jace: I will always you too 😘. (he said kissing Riele's forehead)
Jace puts Elaina back in Riele's arms and feed Elaina and hold her and Jace was holding Ethan in the chair and they my both fell asleep with there kids sleep in there arms.

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