Chapter 11

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Ok i have gotten everything , straighten out . Their will be few minor issues , but nothing big.. Let me catch yall up on where they are in their relationship.

Layla and Jordan , have been in a
relationship for about 5 months . Layla has been talking to an old friend of hers , the old friend use to have the biggest crush on layla doesn't know he likes her . they start talking daily . and etc . while all of this is happening Jordan is in Texas on a business trip .. on that note layla has anything &everything , the cars , the money . your probably thinking layla is being unfaithful ...


While jordon is in Texas , he is yes on a business trip , he has an old friend , who is constantly telling jordan she will do anything for him . Jordan trys to be a faithful because he was the one who wanted to be in the relationship .









One day after a meeting , for business . Jordan just go off the phone with layla , Kelsey , the one female that rides Jordans dick , called Jordan

Phone Call convo

kelsey - hey jordan

jordan - hi

kelsey - what are you doing later on tonight

jordan - umm nothing why ?

kelsey - oh would you like to come over for dinner ?

jordan - dinner ? what are you serving me for dinner ? it better be something good , because i know my girl cook me up a beast meal ..

kelsey - trust me it will be good ,

jordan - whatever , what time should i be there ?

kelsey - 7:30issh .

jordan - ight bye *hangs up before she can say anything *

Couple hours later , jordan arrives at kelseys apartment .

Jordan POV

Kelsey be acting different lately . she better understand i got a gurl . If i were to loose Layla because of that bold headed weave wearing bitch , i might gon kill her basic ass .

I knock on the door , to her apartment . She is wearing shorts and a crop top . idk what she wearing but idc as long as im getting my food . She playing music , ah hell nawh this bitch thinking she gonna seduce me while i have a beautiful girl at home , she better think otherwise .

Kelsey - c'mon in .

jordan - hm , nice place you have here .

kelsey - dinner will be finished in a bout 5 minutes so make your self comfortable like you were at home .

jordan - i rather not

kelsey - why not

jordan - because this aint ma house

kelsey - jordan shut up , and sit down .

*leads him to a dinner table *

jordan - damn , aggressive much

kelsey - what do you want to drink

jordan - what do you have ?

kelsey - i have red wine , white wine , &water

jordan - ill get red wine .

kelsey - ok red wine it is , and dinner will be on the table shortly .

jordan - ight * pulls out phone

3 minutes later ...

kelsey - dinner is served

jordan - oooh this looks good

kelsey - yeah i know , pray for the food jordan

jordan - why i gotta do it ?

kelsey - because i made it , you pray over it . now go .

jordan - fine whatever , Thank you lord , for giving us a chance to taste this meal , please lord bless this meal and for more to come following it , in Jesus name we pray amen .

kelsey - amen

*5 minutes after eating a bit of the mash potatoes & gravy . *

Kelsey- so hows your trip in texas so far ?

jordan - good , I'm actually leaving on Tuesday .

kelsey - wow such short visit

jordan - well it was a business trip nothing special .

kelsey - oh that's interesting .. after your done do want to watch a movie in my room?

jordan - um sure what movie ?

kelsey - idk , tyler perry temptation ?

jordan - sure .

30 min . into the movie


kelsey put her head on my shoulder , but i didnt think anything of it . soo i just let her . this movie was pretty good . thats where everything went crazy she tilted into me and kiss me ! this thot gon kiss me knowing i have a girl back home what is the matter with her basic ass ?
so obviously i went crazy on her

j - WTF IS THE MATTER WITH YOU ??? do you not understand i have a girlfriend , who i passionatly love ? what dont you understand . no wonder why your ass here living in a apartment ALONE , its not because you independent noooo its far from that , its because your a damn thot with your lace front not looking right and shit .

k - jordan im sorry , i didnt mean too

j - leave me alone , dont call me or text me saying sorrry . * walks out & slammed the door *

Jordan POV

my whole drive to the hotel ive been thinking about everything happening . if i should call layla , but i didnt want her getting mad at me so i just thought i wouldnt tell her at all .





I will just stop here because next part , it will be Laylas POV & she is going to go pick up Jordan from the airport .

Hopefully Yall liked this part .

To answer some of your questions

- Q : Why weren't you writing for so long

-A : I am still a student , so their for i have homework and etc , but that isn't going to be my excuse . all that matters is that im back now .

- Q : Will Layla & Jordan get married soon ?

A - It's all a suprise

Q - Will Jordan ever tell layla what happened ?

A - Stay tuned til part 3 and maybe it will answer your question .


xoxo - j .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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