Hey there!

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So, my name is Soldier Muffin! I'm not awkward with most people, but I can be shy. I'm a bit crazy, you can ask Cap. I get a bit excited and often am told to calm ma tits...but anyway! Basically I love Cutie, she's like me but shy and cute, and cats, and coffee and my boards (babies) Stygian and Bleu. Should be updating quite a bit and stuff. Fair warning I have a bit of a potty mouth. Also if Cap uses hahs instead of haha then ignore that, she's...weird... She does that because one time we were texting and I accidentally typed hahs instead of haha and she thought it was the cutest thing. So yeah...I realise this was all over the place and I'm sorry about that. Anyway, comment, vote and keep reading you cute potato spuds! ~SM❤
Told you she was awesome! Also I really need to change me signature thing. It's really boring

Tales of The Two PotatoesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora