I'm in forbiden love...

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I'm in love with a girl, who's in likes with me but we can't be together because my parents are trying to change me by making me wait to figure my sexual preference out until I'm 16, telling me they don't care who I love but then try to change me and Ik I'm going to lose her, oh Audry the amazing girl I love. My parents don't understand how much this hurts, how ashamed I feel, how I don't understand what I've done wrong. The way I can't be with that perfect girl. She's so beautiful, and oh so cute. She likes to laugh and has a perfect smile. It's so hard to be sad around this girl, she's so loveable and gorgeous and smart and ugh I hate living here. I love her, Idk what to do... Someone help me...I'm crying and dying cuz this feeling burns me to the soul and scars my heart, damn my life, my parents, my emptiness and lonliness...

Goddamn everything! I didn't choose to love a girl(s)! My parents refuse to trust me, refuse to take second and apologise, take a second and realise that the knife to my wrist wasn't to hurt them but it was my only assurance. They've scarred me worse than I have. They've stained my heart and my mind with their disgust and abandonment. I'm so done but I can't die, just yet. I have to battle for Audry, my sister, my brothers, Cutie, my friends, my very best friend/sister/second mom/soul mate Grace who is so far away and I can no longer talk to....I'm sorry my loves, my precious stars, my angels, I have fallen off the shelf and cracked wide open so I am raw to more brokenness. More susceptible to more scars upon my skin....I'm in love with a girl and parents want to change me....


My beautiful fallen angel...
they say you have lost your Grace
I say you have simply given back what they tried to force on you.
Because you have fallen does not make you evil or unloved,
It simply means you've decided to take your own path.

You are scarred in so many ways,
but my beautiful fallen angel
I will take the time
to kiss each and every one of them

I will heal your heart,
and tend to your bruises.
I will help you find your own grace,
And forget about what they wanted you to be...

You are beautiful, my fallen angel
And I will forever love you


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