Chapter 2: I'm having eye problems

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"20 MORE STRETCHES MAGGOTS!" Yelled Ms.Kimberly.

Looked like Ms. Kimberly and her boyfriend had a fight, again. When her boyfriend fought with her, Ms.Kimberly decided that we must suffer by acting like a general in the army and making up random exercises.

After about the tenth push up I fell to the floor from utter exhaustion. I was too tired to get back up until someone kicked me, really hard, might I add.

"C'mon Effy. Gotta get up." Said my best friend.

I rose from the ground to see Ms.Kimberly on her smartphone, probably talking to her boyfriend, meaning we would have an extra twenty minutes before she will hang up on him. As you can tell, this happens A LOT.

I walked to the seat next to my gym bag full of clothes, and grabbed my water bottle then practically ripped the cap off. I enjoyed the cool liquid flowing down my throat. I almost couldn't breathe after finishing my bottle halfway.

"Thirsty, much?" Observed Harry. He sat next to me without a shirt on. I had to say at first when we started this class I was kinda flustered, cause hot damn that boy is h-o-t, but after a while I was able to stand next to him without sweating.

"Yeah." I responded, "I haven't had water in forever."

"So I heard you're the big tie-breaker. How about that. Never really pegged you as the dating type." He said with a smirk. He was enjoying this too much.

"Maybe I am."

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes you did."

"Ha ha ha ha..." I laugh nervously

"So... how's Andy?" He asks me.

I hadn't actually seen him in a while. I still miss him, but my poor little brother was still in the hospital.

"Good, but he still hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said there's only a 20% chance, but he said that there is still hope."

After I say that a few traitor tears start to try escape my eyes, but I close my eyes so they won't run loose. All of a sudden big arms hugged me from the side. I already knew it was Harry. He's such a good friend.

"Come with me Effy." Harry said getting up and holding his hand out towards me.

I glanced at Ms.Kimberly, seeing as she was still on the phone, I grabbed his hand.


Harry walked in front of me- still had no shirt on still might I add- while we ventured through the woods. We had been walking through the woods for about ten minutes and I still had no idea where we were going.

"Please tell me where we are going or else I'm leaving." I said again. I had been asking him again and again during the trip, probably sounding like a whiny bitch.

"We're here. Don't get your panties in a twist."

Harry removed a branch and my breathe was taken away. There before me was a big bright field of green grass and daises. Not to be too cliché but daises were my favorite flower, and this was like a dream land.

Taking a step forward with caution, being careful not too break the dream filled reality I was in and took a big breathe of natures best fresh air.

"How did you possibly find this place Harry?"

"I didn't. Alec told me where this was. Weird right?"

Why would Alec know this place? It's too puzzling and honestly a little fishy. Just because Alec and Harry were football buddies didn't mean they were close enough to share secret places. Yup. This is super fishy.

I turn around and stare at Harry with question."You're lying, you butt hole."

He soon blushed bright pink. I knew it.

"Are you trying to bring me on a date?"

He blushed again while scratching his neck.

"Umm... I just brought you here to practice your moves for regionals."

I smile while running into the field to my starting position. After counting to three I began my dance with a leap and a quick twirl.

Did I forget to mention I do ballet? Guess thats a little unexpected.


"Hey did hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Are you implying I am satan, Adam?" I say with no emotion in my voice.

"What no-"

"Because I am." I say with a smirk.

It was fun to see Adam flustered. Him being the big man on campus, he barley ever got nervous.

"Ok well... Will you go on a date with me?"

*I never really pegged you for the dating type*

I hear Harry's words in my head and decide to listen to him.

"Ok." I said while continuing texting Harry about practice.

"What?" Adam asked completely stumped.

"I said yeah, are you fucking deaf or naturally stupid?" I said while grabbing my back pack and sitting up to go to my next class before the bell.

"You and me at six." I said with a flirty wink (at least I think it was flirty. It may just looked like I'm having eye problems) and walk out the door. My black high-tops made it easy to stop when Harry appeared next to me.

"Whats up Effy." He said with another smile.

"Just got asked out by Adam nothing much." I say to him.

"Thats so great. Where are you guys going and maybe I should choose out your outfit because your fashion sense is a big no, from me." He babbled.

"Oh thank you Harry. I feel oh so touched."

"Sorry Effy."

Now that I'm letting it sink in, the most popular boy in school just asked me out. That is kinda a big deal in girl world. Great, now I'm nervous.

I plugged my headphones to my ipod I began to start listening to Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil to calm down.

I finally have a date tonight.


Dedicated to my friend Luna cause her music taste is AWESOME!

Thanks for all the support and remember to:


ily ♡

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