Chapter 11: Follow my heart? How am I supposed to do that?

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Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't updating. School is a real time crusher, but today is a snow day so I decied to update today!!!! Yay!

Also I recently found out how to post pictures and videos on herre so on the side is a picture of Effy :)

"Well. I am waiting." Alex said again. This is really not good. How am I supposed to break this lightly, so I did the only thing I know how to so.

I fainted.


I woke up in a sterile bed with the smell of medicine and old ham sandwiches. The bed I was laying in was a greenish teal and the wall around me was an odd. Mixture of beige and snot. I was most defiantly in the nurses office.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I heard the nurse.

She was short with curly black hair and hazel eyes. She had one of those nurse outfits, but this one had balloons and elephants in a pattern all over it.

"How long was I out?" I ask rubbing a spot on the back of my head, feeling a minor bump.

"Just about an hour." She told me coming towards me with a clipboard. Inspecting I saw her wright done a few things before she stopped in front of me and gave me a pass. "This is for you to go home."

I nodded at her and got up.

"Can I ask you something?." I turn to her.


" Well me and my best friend are kinda dating right now but I'm also starting to like this other dude and apparently my boyfriend saw me kissing another guy, so what am I supposes to do?" I tell her letting out a big breath for rushing it.

"Well, Effy, you just have to follow your heart." She told me.

Follow my heart? How am I supposed to do that?

"I don't know?" Said the nurse again. Guess I said that out-loud. Opps.

"Alright but thank you m'am. I think I know what to do." I say to her, running out of the room towards the exit of the school and towards the parking lot to start walking towards the house.

While running I bump into a few people and tripped over a dog, but it was worth it because I would get rid of this giant weight on my shoulders. That and the stress of multiple boys fighting over me, which is not as nice as it actually is in books.

Stopping in front of a door I knock three times before It opens and I see Alex right in front of me.

Show time.

(Sorry for the cliffhanger. Remeber to follow me and be sure to vote and comment on this book)

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