Chapter 8: Don't blame me. Blame the hormones

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I'm about to fall right now.

Don't worry I'm not falling out of a fighter plan or on the top of a building. Right now I'm in a really difficult pose for ballet and if Ms. Kimberly doesn't say to relax I will really die.

"Ok relax. Great class everyone remember our concert is in three weeks so practice." Said Ms. Kimberly

I fell to the floor exhausted while Alex just stared at me with the "are you ok...?" look.

"C'mon Effy. I'll drive you home." He told me while giving me his hand. I then grabbed it and began walking to the back of the room so I could grab my bag real quick. "I'm ready."

Me and him start walking through the long hallways till we see the glass doors leading to the parking lot.

"Good bye kids. Stay safe." Said the aging blonde behind the counter.

"Bye m'am!" We both said and exited through the doors to Alex's red truck.

I opened the door and sat down while Alex started the car. We sat there. Just silence between us till Alex spoke.

"Me and Alec have a foot ball game today." That's right! Alex us like the line backer or something.

"Good luck! I bet you'll win!"

Alex just stared at me. Dumbfound with a smirk on his face. "How do you get points in football Effy?"

Oh fuck.

Don't you score through those big metal things? Right? I literally know nothing about football. My dad is more of a soccer fan and The only games I've ever seem were the ones I've seen Alex has played. Other than that all I've ever seen of football was the cheap XXXL shirts at the grocery stores.

"By kicking the ball through the metal thingies?" I say without confidence.

He keeps looking at the road with a smirk still on his face. "And how else?"


"Umm... How am I supposed to know." I say.

He just laughs. That beautiful laugh that can brighten a stormy. I've never really noticed, but I really love his laugh, and defiantly his abs, but I'm getting side tracked right now. The point is that when he smiles, I smile to. And thats most likely a good thing.

"Enjoying the show." He tells me as we park at my driveway. He looks at my with that cocky smile. He must've noticed the drool on my face cause his smile was wide.

"Thanks for the ride." I mumble with a the blood rushing to my cheeks.

Alex grabs my chin and looks me straight in the eyes. They're really a bright blue. So blue I feel like I might drown If I stare to long.

He keeps staring. I'm probably still blushing like crazy.

His face is getting closer to my face and I don't hesitate to close the space between us to make our lips lock together. I always love his lips feel against mine. It's like a bunch of fire works going off all at once.

I guess this means I like him now. Not as a friend but as an actual male companion. Gosh I sound like my dad now.

Alex's tongue is now trying to get into my mouth which I happily open for him.

'Don't blame me. Blame the hormones.' I think to myself as I keep kissing him.


I know it's short. It's the holidays. Give me some credit. :P

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