Chapter 3: White girl

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"How about this one?" Alex asked once too many times. I eventually let him choose the outfit I'm wearing for our date, the only reason was because he is better at picking fancy outfits.

He was holding up a black dress with a blue jean jacket with a pair of black combat boots. I had to say, I'm starting to rub off on him.

"Nice no get out of my room you boy. I need to change." I said while pushing him out.

"Why can't I stay?" He said right before I slammed the door shut.

Putting on the dress and the rest of the accessories I added some black eyeliner with a little touch of lip gloss. It doesn't take much for me to get ready. After I finish putting on my earrings I open the door and show my outfit to my best friend.

"You look amazing!"

"It's too bad your not gay. Then we could shopping for another outfit." I say.

Alex gives me a I-really-want-you-dead look and gave me the bird.


I quickly ran down the stairs of my two story house and open my oak door to see Adam in a white shirt and dark wash jeans. He looked ver hot, if I do say so myself. While drooling over Adam like a puppy a voice interrupted me.

"Are you just gonna stand there drooling over me."

And the magic is gone.

"C'mon lets go." Adam said with a dazzling smile.

We walked over my muddy grass to get to Adam's red sports car. It was amazing how anyone would give a teenager a sports car, but I'm not judging.

Getting in the car I closed the door and buckled up. This was one of the few times I was in a car ever since the accident and I could feel my anxiety already starting again. I so did not think through this date very well.

"Hey Effy, you ok?"

"Yeah Adam, I'm fine. Lets just go."

He gave me a look of confusion and revved up the car, then driving away from my safe house and on to the dangerous highway.


"So whats your favorite color?" Adam asked as we waited for our food at a small town diner. The walls were painted a puke-y color while a bunch of old pictures and quotes covered the stained walls.

Me and Adam have been waiting for five mins. now and have been passing the time with 20 questions.

"White because it contains no colors."

"Black because it contains all colors."

"Ha ha. A football player knowing non-school facts. Congrats to you."

Before we could ask another round of question the waitress arived at our table handing Adam a buger with fries and me a chicken noodle soup. What can I say, it's really freaking good.

"You too. Never really pegged you as a white girl." He said chuckling while I started full on laughing at his attempt on a play on words.

"So do you have any siblings?" Adam asked while I was spooning way too much soup in my mouth. I froze and almost started to cry. I quickly stood up from the table and ran out the door, leaving my soup and Adam in the diner.

I quickly got behind Adam's car and started crying, probably ruining my eyeliner, but I didn't care right now. All I cared was crying about my little brother who didn't deserve what he got.

"Effy! Where are you?"

"Right here." I answer very quietly.

"What happened back their. I mentioned siblings and all of a sudden you leave running. What happened?" He asked.

That was it. I was tired of being too tuff and strong not to cry. it was my turn, so I did exactly that. I broke down.

Adam didn't do anything at first. After the shock though, he started hugging me tight in his arms like a fragile teddy bear. I was too done with everything that I didn't even notice that Adam was brushing me hair and giving me meaningless words. This was a side of Adam I liked. He should use it more. If he did maybe I would consider dating him.

"Andy is my little brother. A month ago me and were going to dinner out because he got a good grade when a drunk driver smashed onto his side of the car" I then started crying again. "Andy was rushed to the hospital. He is in a coma and the doctors are not sure if he will wake up. I was right there. Why didn't the car just hit me instead. This is all my fault!" I start sniffling from all my crying.

"Shhh." Adam says as he lifts me up bridal style and puts me in the shot-gun seat of his car. I was too exhausted to even thank him and honestly I was enjoying the silence in the car. I was afraid if I talked I would ruin the fragile moment. We start driving back to my house down the dangerous highway again. "It's ok. To be broken sometimes. You just don't need to destroy yourself over it." Adam said while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Mary, my sister, was coming home from her lacrosse practice when she got hit by a teenager who was high and drunk. Underage even. So I understand what it feels like." He said while placing a hand on my knee and gave me a small smile. Not one of those pity smiles, but a true I-care-about-you-and-I-get-it smiles. One that could bring the sun up early on a dark morning. A true smile. I needed one.

"Thanks I say right before I fall into the nice darkness, thinking about how maybe I was developing a small crush on the player of the school.

Another cliché in my life.


Yay! We finally find out who Andy is and ps sorry about how every guys name in this book has an A-name. It was a total mistake. Lol

This book is starting to get a lot more reads and votes *dances un-controllably* and I just wanna say thanks sooooooo much guys. I really love all you guys (:

P.p.s sorry for all the grammar mistakes. I update on my phone so it doesn't always catch things.

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