Secrets of your Brain

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The preference to use one brain region more than others for certain functions, which scientists call lateralization, is indeed real, said lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson, director of the FMRI Neurosurgical Mapping Service at the University of Utah. For example, speech emanates from the left side of the brain for most right-handed people. This does not imply, though, that great writers or speakers use their left side of the brain more than the right, or that one side is richer in neurons. There is a misconception that everything to do with being analytical is confined to one side of the brain, and everything to do with being creative is confined to the opposite side, Anderson said. In fact, it is the connections among all brain regions that enable humans to engage in both creativity and analytical thinking. The field of neuroscience is still in its infancy, but is rapidly exploding and turning yesterday's brain "facts" into today's brain "myths." Here we are exploring a popular brain myth which was a fact then. . Any given memory is deconstructed and distributed in different parts of the brain. Then, for the memory to be recalled, it gets reconstructed from the individual fragments. There is no such thing as a left-brain or right-brain personality type. We are not left-brained or right-brained; we are "whole brained." Still factually tghe surveys show that people surely have same charecterstics. So there is factual evidence not scientific evidence may be we just have to see the survey and decide.

What is it to be left brained and right brained?. What are the qualities of left brained and right brained people?. You will know that you are left brained and right brained after taking a test or seeing the qualities that they posses. Right brained people are visual, outspoken, artistic, impulsive, intuitive, daydreamers & disorganized. While left brain people are verbal, logical, structured, neat, analytical, imaginative & good at languages.

Now see the pictures below answer them the questions are here, Answers are just A or B

How do you cross your legs & hands?

Try to write "Q" on your fore head and check how do you write it?

How is your desk & how do you make your notes?

What paintings and patterns do you like?

What paintings and patterns do you like?

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