Plan: Date Night

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"Alright Velvet, plan 'Date Night' is a go!"

Ruby slammed a poster board down on the glass table, startling Velvet from her half-sleepy stupor. Along with it was a box of crayons and multiple pencils.

"Ruby, weren't we going to do this an hour or two ago? It's probably not best to make this decision at 10 PM." Velvet replied, rubbing her eyes tenderly.

"Well I wasn't about to miss the newest episode of 'Dancing With the Spars' Velvet, and that means we need to organize this now!" Ruby commanded as she began to scribble on the poster board with various colors of crayons. "Here we have Yang and Blake, obviously. You can tell that's Blake by the cat ears!"

Velvet noted two stick figures in the center of the poster, one with long, scruffy blonde hair and the other with long black hair and pink cat ears. "So what is this poster board for?"

"We're going to make a list of all of the possible places for Yang and Blake to go on their date, and then we cross them off strategically to find the best one! Easy!" Ruby began to draw various things on the poster, connected with pencil lines, such as a picnic blanket and an old movie projector.

"Shouldn't we list off things that Blake and Yang love and hate? For example, I know Blake hates loud places, so no concerts or anything." Velvet sighed, twirling a pencil in her hand. "But Blake loves reading and comfy chairs. That's why she loved the coffee shop so much."

"But didn't she break some guy's finger because of what happened in that coffee shop?" Ruby asked, "I could have just misheard you though."

"Well, yes, but that was an exception. What things does Yang like to do or hate to do?" Velvet asked, jotting down the lists on a corner of the poster board.

"Well for one, Yang hates getting haircuts. She also hates winter, but I don't think that will help with dating. I know for one she hates standing still, she always wants to do something." Ruby mused, "Maybe a movie would be bad for both parties involved then."

Ruby crossed the projector off of the board, and then began to draw other various symbols. "What about a cute picnic? We could prepare them a little lunch!" Ruby squealed.

"I'm not sure about you, but I'm a terrible cook. Unless you count cereal, then I'm Gordon Jamsey." Velvet sighed, "And I don't believe cookies would be a valid option here."

"I am offended! Cookies are always the option! But I concur; cookies alone would not be the best choice. Maybe we should call the picnic quits then." Ruby said duly, crossing off the picnic blanket.

"What about the aquarium? Blake loves marine biology, and I'm sure Yang would like to see the beta fish." Velvet proposed, "Beta fish are very territorial and will fight any other beta fish they see."

"That sounds like a genius idea! Man, I wish I hadn't wasted this poster board though. It cost me like 20 lien." Ruby sighed, flopping on the couch.

"20 lien? It sells for half a lien each at the J-Mart across town!" Velvet stammered, "Don't tell me you bought it on the black market!"

"What I do on my lunch break is none of your business! I also may have like 20 Slinkies in my backpack right now."

"Oh my..."

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