Snack Break(s)

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Two Hours Later

"Hey Blake, mind if we stop to get something to eat? I'm kinda hungry, especially when we look at so many fish." Yang sighed, pointing to the food court to their right, which had just been swarmed by a mob of at least twenty kids, leaving the workers frazzled.

"Sure, I'm getting fairly hungry as well." Blake replied, following Yang's lead to the center of the food court.

"Hmm... Choices, choices, all of them wrong..." Yang muttered, carefully observing all of the options before choosing a small, fancier looking one on the far right. "Does that one look good?"

"Popcorn does sound very appealing, I guess we butter get some." Blake chuckled, leaving Yang speechless.

"I'm very in-salt-ed that you made a pun before I could! My soul feels like a crushed soft drink can." Yang said dramatically, with a pose to match.

"A crushed soft drink can?" Blake giggled, "What does that mean?"

"It means it was soda pressing!" Yang announced, clutching her heart with her free hand.

"Let's just get our popcorn." Blake playfully sighed, "How did you choose popcorn anyways?"

"Ruby and I used to go to carnivals a lot as kids, and we learned quickly how to choose the right stands to get food from. Rule number one, never trust the meat." Yang replied, pulling out some lien and handing it to the popcorn man over the counter.

"What's rule number two?"

"Popcorn can always be trusted, provided the person serving it has a smile." Yang said, gesturing to the now-growing smile on the popcorn man's face. "That means he or she is still young, much like the popcorn."

"Well that's a new one. I'll be sure to remember that one." Blake smiled, leading Yang over to a table.

Several Minutes Later

"Wait, so the coffee bean bag just fell on you?"

"Yeah, Ruby tried to push me out of the way, but it just fell on me completely! She ended up running into the wall to boot! Luckily, we were both fine, and escaped with our lives, and the coffee beans." Yang laughed alongside Blake, "What about you? Any funny stories?"

"Well there was this guy in high school named Adam, who totally ruined bendy straws for me." Blake giggled, "You'll never believe how."

"How could someone ruin bendy straws?" Yang said, her mouth agape.

"He tried to ruin my first date with a guy back in sophomore year my shooting spitballs at him, but he blew too hard and blew the whole straw into my face!" Blake laughed, pointing to her cheek. "It hit me right there, I swear the guy just about died when he saw it, just a straw sticking to my face."

"I bet you looked just as pretty with the straw there as you do now." Yang said, "I mean- I meant that as a compliment, not anything else!"

"I understand, don't worry. And to be fair, the same goes for you." Blake replied, pushing back her chair. "I think the beta fish are next, shall we?"

Yin and Yang - Continued!Where stories live. Discover now