A Farewell With Arms

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That Night, 8:15 PM

"Thank you for treating me to dinner as well Yang, it was a really wonderful day." Blake smiled, leaning against Yang as they walked towards Blake's apartment door.

"I'm glad you agree, shall we do this again sometime?" Yang asked, "I think maybe we could try out that new romance movie, 'Ninjas of Love' sometime."

"Oh, I don't think that movie is what you think it is Yang." Blake blushed, "Not that I know from personal experience or anything."

"Oh, well then maybe just a nice dinner then." Yang smiled, wrapping her arms around Blake. "I'm really happy you came into my coffee shop that day Blake."

"I'm happy you had such good coffee so I could come back." Blake chuckled, planting a soft kiss onto Yang's cheek, which was now red.

"Well, I'll see you then Blake." Yang said, returning the kiss as Blake opened her door, the two parting ways with a soft click.

"Well, that was a thing."

Yin and Yang - Continued!Where stories live. Discover now