Beauties and the Beast

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The Next Day, 9:30 AM

"Remember Blake, just stay calm and be yourself. This couldn't possibly go worse than your last date did." Velvet soothed, "What with that Adam guy having the restraining order and all."

"Tell me about it, how did he even know I was in that theater? Movie theaters will be forever ruined for me." Blake sighed, "Not to mention bendy straws, I never want to see one of those again."

"There they are! Remember, Yang likes to make puns, so try to jab a few back at her!" Velvet said, pushing Blake forward slightly as they approached the entrance to the aquarium.

"Heya Blake, how's it going?" Yang asked, "Same with you Velvet, what's up?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. What about you?" Blake replied, smiling warmly.

"I'm doing well, made better by seeing you here. Shall we be off?" Yang asked, outstretching her hand for Blake to take, as Blake took it fancifully.

"Why yes, I believe we shall." Blake replied, walking alongside Yang into the aquarium.

"Did you tell Yang to talk like that?"

"No, did you?"

"I couldn't have thought of it."

"So Blake, have you ever been to an aquarium before?" Yang asked, "It's my first time."

"Really? My mom used to take me here all the time, but according to the posters out front, there are some new exhibits to see." Blake replied, "Like the beta fish exhibit, I think you'll like those."

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"

"Well, a cat Faunus at an aquarium, why am I not surprised?" A man behind them snickered, "And she has the cat toy with her as well."

Blake sighed and turned to face the man, who was about two inches shorter than her and Yang, but looked insanely rich.

"Hey buddy, pre-Faunus Rights Era called, it wants its insults back." Yang replied, shooting the man a glare.

"Oh, does the kitty cat need a guard dog?" The man laughed, just loud enough for the three of them to hear it. "Give me a break."

"Yang, let's just ignore him." Blake sighed.

"Agreed, if this guy spent even a minute with you he'd know you're better than he could ever be." Yang smiled, but behind her back, unbeknownst to Blake, was a single finger sticking in the air, aimed right at the man's face. "Maybe we should go for a more peaceful fish first."

"You had me at we." Blake said, walking towards the first exhibit, hand-in-hand with Yang.

Yin and Yang - Continued!Where stories live. Discover now