Stereo(typical) Hearts

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The Next Day

"Order up! One large coffee with cream and 5 sugars!" Yang announced, nodding to the man approaching the counter. "Enjoy!"

"He has the same taste in coffee as I do, he must be pretty cool." Ruby said, "Speaking of, I found a date spot for you and Blake!"

"That has no relation whatsoever, and what is it?" Yang replied, "I hope you don't say a coffee shop."

"Of course not silly, the aquarium! Velvet was telling me about-" Ruby began.

"The aquarium? What if Blake thinks I'm being totally stereotypical?" Yang asked, leaning against the counter.

"Don't worry, Velvet's telling Blake about this as well! It'll be fun, trust me!"

At Blake's Apartment, About 5 Seconds Earlier

"The aquarium? What if Yang thinks that I'm just a walking stereotype?" Blake asked, adjusting the cover on her book.

"Don't worry, Ruby and I took every option into thought and we found the aquarium was the best option for you two. Also, you should be more careful with that cover, it slipped off a few days ago." Velvet giggled, seeing Blake's face turn redder than a tomato.

"W-What did you see? It's my first time reading a book like this so no spoilers!" Blake stammered, her lie ever apparent to Velvet.

"I swear Blake, 'Now that's a katana'? I'm sure that book isn't for a first-time reader." Velvet laughed.

"Well just make sure Yang doesn't know about it. I'm not sure how she would respond." Blake sighed, resting her head on her arm.

"What time did you get to sleep last night? You look like a raccoon." Velvet asked, "If this is about your date, you can stop worrying about it. Just be yourself!"

"I guess you're right, I just hope it goes well."

Yin and Yang - Continued!Where stories live. Discover now