Coffee Shop Brawl

943 28 16

10:00 PM That Same Afternoon

"Ugh, that shift was terrible. My back's going to hate me tomorrow." Yang moaned, flopping onto the countertop.

"Hey, watch the grinder, we don't want a repeat of a few weeks ago, do we Goldilocks?" Ruby giggled.

"Just as long as you watch out for bofa, we have a deal." Yang sighed.

"Bofa? What's a bofa?" Ruby asked, looking around her for a tool named 'bofa'.

"Bofa these nuts!" Yang yelled as she tossed a bag of almonds directly at Ruby's face, hitting her spot-on the forehead.

"Hey! What was that for? And you said 'both of' so where is the- YIKES!" Ruby squealed as she leaned to dodge another sack of flying almonds, which made a satisfying plopping sound as it landed on the ground.

"Hey, are you ready for your date tomorrow? You called Blake to double check the plans right?" Ruby asked, tossing the bags back to Yang.

"Yup, she said everything was a go. How did you and Velvet think of the aquarium by the way?"

"Well, it was mostly Velvet. I originally thought of a picnic or a movie, but Velvet crossed those both off really quickly."

"Well thank you Velvet! A picnic would have been as boring as a zoo with only one type of dog." Yang sighed, hopping off of the counter.

"What type of zoo would only have one type of dog? That does seem pretty boring."

"I know, right? It'd be a Shih Tzu!"

"Why you- Get back here!" Ruby yelled, chasing Yang out the back door.

"Don't forget to lock the door!"

"Ugh, you win this round Xiao Long!"

Yin and Yang - Continued!Where stories live. Discover now