Music is the key

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Jannet's POV

Yeah well I guess Jriendship is not gonna happen. I'm just so angry, sad and shocked about what happened.

I sat in my car, and drove.

10 min later

"Whatup Scooter", I said giving him a hug.

"Hey", he smiled.

"Sorry, I called you at this time, in the studio. Remember that song, you wrote 'Fall'. We just gotta record it", he said

"Prob", I said laughing.


" Jannet your mom Pattie's coming tomorrow", he said

"Yes", I shouted.

"Cant wait to see mom", I smiled

2 hours later

"Woah, that's cool", I said

"Proud of you my girl",  Scooter said.

"Well, you go home, and get some sleep", he said

"Bye see ya suckers", I laughed.

"Bye", he said

Well even if I was sad, music just made me happy, and made me forget the sorrrow. Music is the key to my heart!!

I drove home. Walked to the door. Took my keys out and slowly opened the door.

"Hallo", I said

No one answered

Well ok I thought

I took, my shoes of and walked in to the livingroom, and guess who I saw? You guessed right, Justin and Selena making out on the sofa.


I walked past them as fast as I could running up the stairs. And now I remembered what I was sad about.


After 2 hours, i'm sitting in my room. Dont really know what to do. Right when I was about to go to the bathroom, someone walked in.

"Who's it?", I said

"Your Kidrauhl", Justin said with a apology look.

I looked at him, then turned my back to him. Even though what he said hurt me and I feel everythings changed, he's still my best friend. I mean it's not me or him who changed. It's time.

"Whatup", I said

"Jannet angel.......I'm....I'm sorry, he said crying. I'm a jerk an asshole....i'm...

"Shut up, I said hugging him. You're my bestfriend, my everything. No matter what happens, nothing's gonna change between us. You're still my kidrauhl, and always will be. And don't say sorry......You know I dont like it", I said, a tear slipping down my face

"I love you", he said

"Love you too nigga", I said smiling.

"Angel, Za invited us to a party tomorrow, I just forgot to tell you. And it's only us two. He didn't invite Selena. You're coming right?" he asked

"I already knew about the party, and yes", I said

"Cool shit", he smiled

"Let's sleep now",I said

"Yeah, I'm tired", he said.

"Can I sleep in your room?", he said

"Good", I said

He made a crying face

"Haahhaahha, I was joking, of course you can", I said laughing.

He hugged me tight ,and kissed me 5 times on the cheek. My heart, was gonna stop any second

We laid on the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Good night my angel", he whispered in my ear

"Night nigga", I said kissing him on the cheek

"Jannet, I feel save when i'm with you", he said

"Me too", I said stroking his cheek

Whatup. Miss me?? Hahahaha. love you♥♥ I'm weird, i know, all my friends say that. And i'm not even normal. But yeah you know normal's boring so yeah........

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