Tell him!!

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I looked at Selena, knowing something was defintely wrong. So many questions running through my mind.

"Doc are you sure?", Justin asked confused, and slightly sad. He took my hand squezzing it. I knew he was a little surprised, over the news, and so was I. I mean anyone would have been surprised.

"Yes Mr. Bieber, we made a test, and Miss. Selena is pregnant", she said smiling.

"Congrats Miss Selena", she said walking over to Selena.

"I'm gonna leave you all alone. And Miss Selena have som rest", the nurse said.

"Thanks Doc", Selena smiled.

The nurse picked up her paper from the table, walking out of the room.

Justin looked at me, still surprised.

"Go over to her", I whispered.

Justin walked over to Selena, hugging hér.

"Selena......I'm not gonna ask you if this baby is mine, cuz I'm sure it is", He said taking her hand, and kissing it.

"Baby i'm just a little nervous, surprised and shocked", he said, with a straight face.

"Dont be baby, this is ours. And our family is complete", she smiled kissing her.

"Congrats Selena and Justin", I smiled, at the fact that my best friend is gonna be a dad.

But is this really Justin's son?, I thought.

"Thanks angel", Justin said, walking over and hugging me.

"Hey guys, you two talk, I'll be outside", I said.

"Sure?", Justin asked.

"Yeah", I smiled.

I walked out of the room, walking over and sitting at the nearest bench in the hospital.

Happy and sad. But it's selfish if I'm sad, I should be happy that my best friend is gonna be a daddy.

Suddenly I heard someone beside me in the other room whispering.

I didn't wanna hear, cuz it wasn't any of my business.

But then I heard Selena's name.

I got up, and got a little closer to the room.

"The plan worked. Miss Selena, gave us money, and told us to change the report. Yeah....Yeah I got the money. ´Mr. Bieber thinks it's his baby", the nurse said, talking on the phone.

Ohh shit it's the same nurse, who told us, Selena is pregnant. WTF!!! I knew something was wrong, I thought.

"Yes, yes, she is still in the hospital, okay, gotta go bye", she said hanging up. The nurse, looked around, before, she walked out.

I quickly, ran over and sat on the bench. She walked out to me, and smiled, then walked, away, down the hall

"Selena lied. This isn't Justin´s child", I whispered to myself.

"Then who's child is it", I whispered again.

I got up, and walked into, the room Justin and Selena were in.

"Justin I gotta go, but can I talk to you for a second outside?", I asked, feeling Selena's eyes on me.

"Yeah sure", Justin said, smiling at me.

He walked out, and closed the door.

"Tell me angel", he smiled.

Jannet think twice before you tell him, a voice said in my head.

The other said, Jannet tell him, he needs to know.

"Actually Justin, I wanted to say...umm....the thing is....I umm....", I stammered.

"What's wrong angel?", he asked worriedly.

"Nothing, it's nothing", I said.

"Tell me Jannet. I wanna know", he said, taking my hand in his, and kissing it.

Sparks flying through my body, when he kissed my hand. Justin why you do this to me??, I thought.

"Justin, I dont wanna break you after telling you this. I dont wanna hurt you", I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Tell me", he said, looking me deeply in the eyes.

"Okay, here it goes", I said......

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