Reece and Jennifer - Wedding and Woe

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The days flew by in a blur. Thomas and I were caught up in a whirlwind of interviews, photo shoots, parties.... If I had a dollar for every time I heard - "So Miss Capson, any wedding nerves? Who is designing your dress? When can we expect the arrival of children?" - I mean, my God!  Each night I'd crawl into bed and a small part of my soul would be destroyed.

I lay in bed on my last night of being seventeen... My last night as Jennifer Capson, only daughter of the Capson family. My last night before I marry the man of my dreams. Unable to sleep, I opened the draw next to my bed and pulled out my diary. I unlocked the tiny padlock, the click echoing around my room in the silence.

I smiled as turned each page. Pictures from my father's fundraiser. Me and my brothers, me and my family, the newspaper clipping of Reece leaving the party. There were pictures of the two of us just hanging out, at his parent’s hotel, in Aruba on the beach.

It was 3am when I finally felt tired enough to sleep. Quickly I sent a text to Reece, 'see you in church, I love you x x x x' I slid my phone under my pillow and drifted off to a deep sleep.


Anya passed me my car keys the next morning at breakfast. She had taken the dresses out of my room. The one I loved the most was in the back of my car in my bag. My parents and brothers believed I was spending my birthday with Tina, horse riding and relaxing. In reality it was 11am and I was to be married in four hours. "You'll be there right?" I asked Anya as we stood on the steps at the front of the house.

"I wouldn't dream of missing this. It’s so nice to see you happy my darling." We hugged as tears of happiness and sadness fell down my cheeks. Reluctantly, I pulled away from her and headed to my car. As I drove through the busy streets I smiled as I passed Reece's brothers, my brothers in law. Shortly after at a stop sign, I watched Justin cross the street. I turned left and so did Justin. I couldn't help myself when I beeped the horn and he jumped a mile in the air. Laughing I put my foot down and sped away singing along to the radio.

Luckily for us, Tina's parents were on vacation so we had the house to ourselves to get ready. She curled my hair as we drank champagne. We decided to leave my hair down, nice and simple. My make-up was light, the natural look. When it was time, I slipped into my dress. Tina cried when she saw me walk down stairs. "Car is here." She croaked, trying to hold back more tears.


I took a deep breath and slipped out of the car. Anya was waiting on the church steps. The choir started to sing as Tina walked ahead of me down the aisle. "Let's do this." I whispered, afraid someone would hear me. I linked my arm with Anya's and we began to walk. Reece turned his head to look at me. Lust was clear in his eyes as he looked up and down my body.

He looked more handsome than I could ever imagine in a navy blue suit. As I reached the end of the aisle I gave Anya a kiss on the cheek and passed my flowers to Tina. Reece took my hands in his. "You look incredibly beautiful." He whispered. "Happy birthday."

"Let us begin." Father Jones said as we turned to face him. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony....."


Married. My wedding ring was amazing. He had our initials engraved on them. Unlike a traditional wedding lunch, we drove out of town to a diner. Reece was good friends with the owner so we managed to get it closed just for us. As soon as we pulled up outside I started to laugh. It was a 50's diner.

Inside we toasted our marriage with milkshakes. Justin and Tina made a toast. We ate hamburgers and fries covered in mayo or ketchup. The menu for my arranged marriage was five or six courses long, I hated it. Here I could enjoy myself.

Our first dance was to Elvis Presley, Love Me Tender from the jukebox. My mother has arranged for some operatic song I have never heard of. In this moment I was genuinely happy. We stayed at the diner for two hours before we had to leave. Today was the day I was expected to announce to the world Thomas and I had set a date for our wedding. I kissed Reece goodbye and he promised he would sneak in my room tonight.

The drive back to Tina's to change was silent. My heart was already calling for my husband. Sadness swept over me as I changed into my jeans and t-shirt. Tina and I watched a movie before I said goodbye to my friend and drove myself home.

**** Reece POV ****

"Congratulations again man, it was a beautiful day." Justin couldn't stop smiling as we drove away from the diner. My wife looked like an angel sent from heaven for me. I was looking forward to tonight, I told her I would climb the tree facing her room and sneak through her balcony doors. "Any thoughts on telling your parents?" I shook my head.

"I'll speak with her tonight, we never seemed to get that far." What if they force us into an annulment? What if we can never see each other again? How am I meant to live without her? The thoughts constantly ran through my mind. "Let's go to Akbar’s. I need a beer."

As soon as we walked through the door I saw my brother Harry look at me with wide eyes. The man in front of him had hold of his shirt. "Reece!" He gasped in shock I was here. The man in front turned around slowly, I recognized him immediately, Prince Capson, my brother in law as of a few hours ago.

"Finally, I've been waiting for this moment for weeks. Just you and me boy, one on one." He let go of my brother. The other two Capson brothers stood beside him.

"Well sorry your highness but today is not that day." Justin smirked and laughed at him.

"How dare you joke with me?! This is no concern of yours. This is between me and him!" Prince spat as he pushed me.

"Prince, please hear me out. I have nothing but respect for you. And one day I hope to love you like my own brother. You may not believe me but that is my hope for the future...and I hope that day is soon."

I wanted to tell him there and then I married his sister. The sister I knew he was fiercely protective of. As I pictured her face smiling at me and her hand in mine, I also felt a great pain in my face. He had punched me. Before I could react, Justin punched Prince. Before I knew it there was an all-out brawl.

I couldn't bring myself to hit my brother in law back. He punched me again and again and again. As I lay on the floor of the now empty bar, he kicked me multiple times. I felt my ribs break with the force of each kick getting stronger.

A glass smashed and I opened my eyes through the pain to see Prince charging at me. Justin threw himself on me. His eyes opened wide as Prince stumbled to his feet. "Justin?" I asked, making me cough. "Are you okay?"

"He scratched me cousin. I'm fine, it’s just a scratch." He pushed himself up slowly. I did the same. He staggered towards the pool table. I noticed blood on the floor. "A scratch." He continued to whisper. The fighting stopped. There was a thud. With all my might I ran to my cousin.

He was gone.

The Capson boys began to leave. In a moment of fury I picked up the smashed bottle and charged to Prince. The bottle pierced into his back four times before I realised what I had done, who I had become.

I had murdered my wife's brother.....

I dropped the bottle and turned to my brother. I could feel the color drain from my face. How had this day turned so nasty? Harry had hold of my shoulders and was shaking me. His mouth was moving but I just couldn’t hear a word he was saying. A single tear fell from my eye as I thought of my beautiful wife. The smile that would make the sun jealous with it's brightness....

“Listen to me, go! Run!” He passed me his car keys, as I ran towards the car I could hear sirens. Before I knew it, I found myself at the same church I married in just a few hours before.

I crumbled to the floor as Father Jones consoled me. He knew what had happened at the bar. “Reece, listen, once the police find you….that will be the end. I know somewhere you can go and be safe. You can stay tonight but by dawn you must be gone. I will write to you every day and I promise I will watch over Jennifer. May God be with you and keep you safe.” He passed me a strong coffee and a blanket. There was a knock at the door. My heart stopped as Father Jones remained composed.

He opened the door and there was a woman I thought I would never see again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2011 ⏰

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