Double standards...Oh where do I start?
Alright I have two main pet peeves:
1. Hypocrisy.
2. Double Standards
There's a reason why people using double standards annoys me so much. Why should one standard exist for one and not everyone else? That's not how life works. No one is an exception, to anything. We all are born, we all live, we all die. We can all be assholes at times, 'cause less face it no one is perfect, and we can all be nice if we so wanted to be. Even simplifying this further, we could've all had bad lives, we could've all had good lives. It's a chance thing. But when people feel that one guy acts like an asshole and then labels them as such, when everyone else also acts like an asshole but isn't labeled as one, well....That's annoying. I think we can all tell what I'm talking about here now.
Ever seen a TreeTopia episode (spoiler warning for this series)? Then did you ever go into the comment section to comment and see someone shitting on one of the Creatures for being "an asshole", more specifically Sly? It annoys me so much because, let's face it, when it comes to playing games with friends they're all just one giant group of assholes. Funny, lovable assholes, but assholes all the same. And yet it seems like only Sly or sometimes Jordan are called out on it (though the one with Jordan tends to be more of a joke most of the time). Like come on. Seamus was the one who burned down Aleks' hotel but no one cared at all, hell they even found it funny (and I did too though I felt slightly bad for Aleks) or they just pinned it on someone else (namely Sly). James put a hit on Aleks for basically no reason at all but no one really called him out on that either. And episode 27, Aleks blew up Sly's shack (he was being chased by a Creeper but he didn't have to hide out there) but no one called him out either. But when Sly does practically nothing in an episode, or kills another Creature in-game, then the comment section explodes with hate towards the guy and calling him out on what he did. Like are you fucking kidding me? I can understand not liking Sly (I mean you don't have to like every Creature) but constantly shitting on Sly and demanding for him to be either kicked out of the group or replaced in series is rude. We don't have a right to demand that. We're fans. It's a mutual thing; by watching ads we give them money while they provide us with free entertainment. They don't have to do what they do. Yes as a content creator they're supposed to provide funny, high-quality (editing wise) entertainment, but they have no obligation to you, a fan, and they certainly don't have to kick someone out of the Creatures just because you don't like them. Like holy shit.
Also I find not liking Sly just because "he's an asshole" pretty annoying. Again, they're all assholes when it comes to each other. It's how this thing works. It's how they're funny. Have you ever watched Aleks' Missioncraft playthrough? I can guarantee that each and every season of that series he has gone rogue, killed everyone and then burned down their houses with lava. In fact burning things down with lava in Minecraft when no one is looking, just for the sake of revenge over the smallest stuff most of the time, is like his digital killing signature. I mean come on there's a reason why probably about 80 or 90% of the Nob fanbase are trolls (the good, funny kind and the bad kind). And have you seen James? He can be pretty assholish too. Watch any series with him and Aleks together and I can guarantee that they're being assholes to each other. Jordan well...Do I really have to explain him? There's a reason why the whole "scumbag Koots" thing became practically a meme in the fandom. Dan, well he's not much of an asshole when it comes to games but eh, I dunno. He pulled an assholish move in episode 28 of TreeTopia but it's out of the norm for Dan so eh. Seamus is the undercover troll of the group. He says he's bad at stealth but I'm gonna admit, he's gotten away with some pretty trollish moves without the other Creatures knowing right away or at all. Like Seamus burned down Aleks' farm in the Last Update, and then set fire to Aleks hotel in TreeTopia (both times Sly got blamed...intersting how people are just ready to pin stuff on Sly). If you've ever watched his, Koots, or James' Dead Island: Riptide playthrough, he's killed both Koots and James plenty of times just because he was bored, without them even realzing it was him at first. I don't watch much with Ze but I'm sure when he's playing with Chilled that he's done some assholish, trollish stuff too. Spoon sometimes is just an asshole by denying any one of the Creatures something they need to live in a game. I'm gonna repeat it again; they're all just lovable assholes. They like to fuck with each other in games, it's what friends do. I've killed my friends in games plenty of times just because it was funny. It's not like any of the Creatures are legitimately getting mad at each other, besides that one time where Eddie pushed Aleks so much in his Sly Breaks Friends series that he had to take Aleks out to eat and apologize because of how upset he was, heh. But hey that should at least show that he's not an asshole, or as much of an asshole as people seem to think he his. Like what kind of asshole would apologize for being an asshole and then take them out to eat? Either way it's how this whole thing works; someone is an asshole to someone else, said trolled person gets mad, and we all laugh at their expense. If they were all just building houses or just "playing the game" it wouldn't be really that much fun to watch. Hell sometimes I get bored in Minecraft just by building houses myself.
But I digress. If people want to bitch and moan and not enjoy a series just because Sly (or any one Creature) is in it, then who am I to stop them. It ruins their fun, not mine right?
Oneshots, Fic previews, and Important updates. [OLD]
De TodoJust a bunch of one-shots, fanfic updates, and fanfic previews.