Chapter 3

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"You want me to do what?" Amelia's voice was incredulous as she surveyed the three story drop to the ground. The clouds had set in again, covering the sun.

"Jump out of the window," replied Carlisle, "it'll be good practice for you."

"Remind me why I can't use the front door?"

"No reason, just that jumping will give us an indication of your strength at present."

"We just determined that something is not right with me. And now you want to test that theory how exactly? By seeing if I shatter into a thousand pieces when I land? Lose a limb? Thanks Dad," Amelia's voice was dripping with sarcasm. Inwardly, Carlisle was smiling. The little girl with the quick tongue was in there somewhere. He just had to coax her out.

"When you put it that way," Carlisle trailed off, scratching his chin. Amelia glared at him and left the room. He heard her stomping down the stairs. The three of them hurried after her and soon enough were in the thick of the forest. Amelia was definitely slower than she should be. Her crimson eyes took in her surroundings as she focused on the sounds of the forest, the bubbling of a creek nearby, a herd of deer to the north, a bobcat to the east somewhere, and something that smelt absolutely terrible to the west. She grimaced, but was surprised when Carlisle suddenly held her in a crushing, vice-like grip.

"I'm so sorry," he apologised profusely, "there is a bleeding human about five miles to the west. I should have checked with Alice first."

"Is that what that smell is? Ew. It smells hideous," she complained. Esme and Blythe looked at her in shock. Behind her, Carlisle stiffened.

"I'm going to let go of one of your arms. Point in the direction of the smell please," he said warily, releasing her left arm. Slowly and deliberately, Amelia pointed in the direction of the wounded human, before lowering it and slipping her hand into Esme's.

"What is going on?" queried Blythe mildly, glancing at Carlisle for answers.

"I'm not sure. Esme, why don't you take Amelia towards the deer?"

As soon as the pair were out of earshot, he spoke. "I really don't know what is going on, Blythe. I will have to consult Eleazar."

"But Carlisle, you saw how she responded to the blood in your study. It's almost like the scent is repelling her."

"There was blood mixed into the mucus, not mucus mixed into the blood. The smell of diseased bodily secretions is off-putting to me as well."

"Even I could not help but notice the scent of blood, as less prominent as it was. Amelia did not react at all, if anything, she seemed to be repelled by the scent. Her control makes you look savage! Something is unusual here. She is too weak, too slow. She's like a centuries-old vampire who has not hunted in months. But her control indicates something the complete opposite. Carlisle, we don't know what we are dealing with here, but we had better figure it out soon. I have a bad feeling about this."

"I think we need to speak to other magnets like Amelia."

"The few I know of reside in Volterra. Aro recruited them centuries ago and they are honoured members of the Guard, outranked only by the Evil Twins," stated Eleazar, coming up behind them.

"Alice?" questioned Carlisle, curious as to why his friend was suddenly around.

"Of course."

"So what, we go to Italy now?" asked Blythe incredulously, "surely not!"

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