Chapter 8

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"Could she die, Carlisle?" Esme's voice was frantic, unable to fathom the horrifying possibility that had been plaguing Amelia for several hours.

"I really don't know, Esme," Carlisle replied, staring at Amelia in distress. He wanted to kick himself, it should have been one of the first things that crossed his mind when it became more and more apparent that Amelia was so different from a standard newborn. Would she always remain so weak, or would she strengthen after the first year?

For once, answers failed him. For once, the ever cool, calm, collected and serene patriarch of the Cullen family was scared. Scared for his daughter, for her future, and scared for his family, who'd never be able to fully recover if Amelia died. Her immortality was a given almost from the very beginning. They always worried about her when she was human, but always knew that the likelihood of her perishing was nearly impossible, and chose not to dwell on it too much. The developments of the past day questioned everything he knew to be possible. Was it really possible that he'd condemned his daughter to her death? In changing her, had he essentially given her a death sentence?

"We need to speak to the Volturi," Eleazar muttered, leading the Cullen and Denali clans to the dining room table where everyone sat down.

"No!" yelled Rosalie, resolute in her decision to leave the vampire royalty out of the equation.

"It's the only choice we have," whispered Carlisle, glancing up at Alice, imploring her to reassure him.

"No Alice, tell him that it's going to end badly!" Rosalie was starting to grow hysterical, "we can't lose Amelia. We talked about this yesterday!"

"I know, Rose," Carlisle silenced his eldest daughter.

Alice was silent for a moment, her eyes unfocussed as she saw things that only she could see. Amelia quietly put her mug of cereal in the sink and walked into the dining room, taking her seat next to Esme. Samantha followed suit. All eyes were focussed on Alice.

"Relax, babe," whispered Emmett, rubbing his arms up and down the tops of Rosalie's arms in a soothing gesture. The expression on Rosalie's face nearly broke Carlisle's unbeating heart. She was absolutely terrified. Esme bore a similar expression.

"You will have to go and see Aro, Carlisle. It's the only way we are going to get answers. Aro has heard rumours of Amelia's existence and it is imperative that we show him that she has been changed. Otherwise, they will come here and I can't guarantee a peaceful gathering," spoke Alice, snapping out of her vision.

"It'll be a chance to show them that you mean no harm, that you have no plans to overthrow them," interjected Jasper, ever the military tactician.

"You are not hiding anything from them. Amelia should not be kept secret because of her immense power, even although we all know that Aro will try to recruit her," Eleazar broke in.

"What do we do if that happens?" Esme spoke softly.

There was silence as all eyes suddenly turned on Amelia, who looked rather alarmed at being the centre of attention. Rosalie let out a horrified sob. It was Carlisle who broke the silence, addressing his youngest daughter, "Amelia, what I told you back in the library the day you got discharged after that massive blood vessel rupture remains unchanged. The decision is yours."

"What did you tell her, Carlisle?" whispered Rosalie. Amelia locked eyes with him as she shifted through her hazy human memories. Recognition lit up her face. Carlisle nodded once, an unspoken message flowing between the two of them.

"I asked him if I would be alone," spoke Amelia, "Dad told me that you would never abandon me, but that he would not stop me if I decided to leave on my own free will. I then asked if I would ever find a mate, and he told me that there was someone for everyone, someone who would love me for who I was, and not be deterred by my... history."

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